Weinstein allegedly sexually harassed Russian actress – IOTW Report

Weinstein allegedly sexually harassed Russian actress

DC: Amid increasing allegations, a Russian actress claimed Thursday that former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed her at the Venice Film Festival in 2004.

Roskino Katya Mtsitouridze, the hostess of popular Russian TV show “This is Cinema,” claimed that the alleged encounter with Weinstein made her feel “frozen,” in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter.

Mtsitouridze said she first met the Weinstein at the Berlin film festival while doing an interview with George Clooney.


Cannes, France – 22 MAY 2016 – Katya Mtsitouridze attends the closing ceremony of the 69th annual Cannes Film Festival taniavolobueva (Shutterstock)

“He came up to me saying that he liked my questions and would love to have lunch in his room — that he loved Russian culture, especially Chekhov, and that his grandparents were originally from Russia — and that we could have an interesting conversation,” Mtsitouridze said. “I was surprised and told him, rather ironically, that, of course, it would be an honor, but I was afraid my boyfriend would not be happy about our cultural tete-a-tete, but if he wished to invite him, there would be no problem.”

Weinstein reportedly gave Mtsitouridze his number and told her that he would be waiting on her call, at one point even offering to fly her to New York City.

During the Venice Film Festival of 2004, Weinstein allegedly invited Mtsitouridze to his room after a party, saying that “he had a great idea for working with contemporary Russian writers.” Mtsitouridze asked to instead meet in a public area, but Weinstein switched their meeting to a hotel room, claiming that he was sick. He allegedly greeted the Russian starlet in a bathrobe and asked for a message.


12 Comments on Weinstein allegedly sexually harassed Russian actress

  1. Two turtles, a skunk, and a bunny crawled up out of the woods yesterday and told me that they had been sexually harassed by Harvey Weinstein.

    Wanted to know if they could get “free-food-for-life” out of it. I told em it was a good possibility and gave them Gloria Allred’s number.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. lots of brave strong feminist women coming out now.

    where were they last year or the year before ?

    well kick while he’s down.
    he thinks he’s coming back and God help you if he does.

  3. Weinstein in a bathrobe awaiting a massage conjures up a very ugly message for young women hoping for a career in Hollywood. Has anyone ever deserved his humiliating downfall as much as this pig? Harvey Weinstein will soon be rehabilitated in his diseased mind, and when he doesn’t get the welcome he believes he is entitled to by his Liberal friends, Weinstein will turn on them like a rabid rat. That’s going to be an enjoyable experience.

  4. I hope all these women who are coming out with their stories now understand that for each one that did not speak out, Weinstein was able to harass/assault one more.

    Where are the feminists who complain about a “culture of rape” on college campuses? Why are they not going after Hollywood to clean house?

  5. The next advertisement on TV will be: “Anyone who has been sexually harassed, by Harvey Weinstein, whether living, dead, inanimate, or comatose, please call 1-800-5555 to join a class action suit!

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