Female Genital Mutilation is violent abuse. Where are the feminist liberals? – IOTW Report

Female Genital Mutilation is violent abuse. Where are the feminist liberals?

Activist Speaks On How She Survived ‘Highly Demonic’ Female Genital Mutilation.

[…] Cole underwent FGM at the age of 11 when her stepmother took her and her 13-year-old sister to get cut. The procedure was done in a hut in the forest, Cole recounted to the audience, where the female cutters prepared for the procedure by heavily drinking and offering sacrifices to their gods.

“And before they do the cutting, these women, they do a lot of drinking before. They dig a hole and they offer sacrifices to their gods and it’s a demonic practice. They summon these demons into their presence,”…

More at Daily Caller:

7 Comments on Female Genital Mutilation is violent abuse. Where are the feminist liberals?

  1. I first learned about FGM in my first child abuse class, from my awesome female professor and practicing psychologist who happened to be black.

    Students were offered to opt out of that particular lecture with videos. None of us opted out.

    My heart bled for those poor bleeding pre-pubescent little girls. It was and is totally appropriate to lump FGM in with the worse forms of child abuse.

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