ICE Arrests a Sexual Abuser and 4 More Illegal Aliens After NYC Refuses to Cooperate – IOTW Report

ICE Arrests a Sexual Abuser and 4 More Illegal Aliens After NYC Refuses to Cooperate

TH: Earlier this week, U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced in a press release that they arrested five illegal aliens from four different countries, including an Indian national wanted for assault and sexual abuse, after New York City refused to cooperate federal immigration law.

New York City is a sanctuary city, meaning that they do not demand their police department cooperate with federal immigration laws nor requests from immigration officials, particularly on orders such as “detainers.”

“Detainers serve as a legally-authorized request, upon which a law enforcement agency may rely, to continue to maintain custody of an alien for up to 48 hours so that ICE may assume custody for removal purposes,” according to the October 18 press release. But some cities simply “catch and release” these criminals in hopes of promoting cooperation between the city and the illegal alien community.

In fact, Mayor Bill De Blasio orders that the New York City Police Department routinely ignore these requests. De Blasio officials have said that their sanctuary city policies promote public safety.  more here

7 Comments on ICE Arrests a Sexual Abuser and 4 More Illegal Aliens After NYC Refuses to Cooperate

  1. I’d like to know if the victims of these criminals ever come forth and speak against Sanctuary cities, or are they content to continue living with the risks? Although they’re probably illegal themselves.

  2. I really don’t understand how these officials — mayors, governors, etc — are getting away with this. In any oath of office is a phrase about upholding laws, and serving and protecting citizens, isn’t there. This is absolutely the lockstep mentality of leftist ideology. D’Souza compares this thinking to the “heil” of Hitler where people mindlessly thrust out their arm just to signal to everyone they were in agreement. No one thought for themselves.

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