Hollywood agent fired following sexual abuse allegations – IOTW Report

Hollywood agent fired following sexual abuse allegations

MILO: Hollywood agent Tyler Grasham, whose clients mainly consist of young actors, has been fired following a sexual abuse allegation, with some speculating that more accusers will step forward.

Grasham joins the ever-growing list of powerful men accused of and outed for sexually predatory behavior in Hollywood. The Agency of Performing Arts told Variety that they fired him following the accusations by filmmaker Blaise Godbe Lipman.

In the wake of the sexual allegations against film mogul Harvey Weinstein, the explosive allegations against Grasham sheds light on the extent of sexual abuse in Hollywood.

On Tuesday, Lipman took to Facebook to participate in the #MeToo hashtag, and identified Grasham as the man who assaulted him as a teenager. Lipman described the assault a day earlier, but kept the agent anonymous.  More

7 Comments on Hollywood agent fired following sexual abuse allegations

  1. All of them are predators and manipulators. They all either pay hush money or convince these kids that they abuse that if they tell then it’s really their family or his/her family that is going to be the ones punished.

    And they did nothing wrong. *sniff*

    Why else would Corey Feldman and the others keep this stuff quiet for decades.

  2. I’m still mystified by all of this, as a non consumer of pop culture.

    If you don’t patronize pop culture they have no money
    If you don’t patronize pop culture they have no name recognition.
    No money and no name recognition leaves them powerless to influence politics.

    They’re the last morons to get the message. The same message being delivered to the NFL.

    We can live without you.

    Some of us already do. I have no idea who these filth flecked retards are.

  3. Had a college buddy, thirty some-odd years ago, who wanted to be a talent agent. This was his dream (he wouldn’t shut up about it, for years). Graduated law school and went to work at a mega-agency. In the mail-room (said everyone starts there) for something ridiculous, like $75/week. Lasted under a month before he quit. Said the only way guys advanced was on their knees. He wasn’t buying into it. Became a divorce lawyer, so my sympathy is somewhat tempered. C*cks*cker, one way or the other.

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