Gowdy Opens Investigation Into DOJ’s Exoneration of Hillary Clinton, 2016 Decisions – IOTW Report

Gowdy Opens Investigation Into DOJ’s Exoneration of Hillary Clinton, 2016 Decisions

TH: House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte announced Tuesday morning they have officially opened a joint investigation into decisions made at the Obama Justice Department surrounding the FBI’s criminal investigation into former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. They also want to know why the FBI kept quiet about ongoing investigations into members of the Trump campaign, like Paul Manafort, while publicly discussing the Clinton probe.

“Our justice system is represented by a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales. Those scales do not tip to the right or the left; they do not recognize wealth, power, or social status. The impartiality of our justice system is the bedrock of our republic and our fellow citizens must have confidence in its objectivity, independence, and evenhandedness. The law is the most equalizing force in this country. No entity or individual is exempt from oversight,” Gowdy and Goodlatte released in a statement. “Decisions made by the Department of Justice in 2016 have led to a host of outstanding questions that must be answered.”

The Committees will investigate the following:   

SNIP: Oh boy! Another Gowdy investigation! I wonder, how will Gowdy style his hair for this one?


SNIP2: I went through our media files looking for gowdy/hair and I found this. I have never seen this one before. LMAO.
I guess Bfh did it for the primaries last year.

21 Comments on Gowdy Opens Investigation Into DOJ’s Exoneration of Hillary Clinton, 2016 Decisions

  1. Congress cannot pursue criminal charges.

    Time for Sessions to appoint a special prosecutor, right after he fires Mueller (who’ll be one of the possible future defendants). Uranium One, Hillary’s emails, etc. may all tie together I’m wondering.

    Call/write your congress critter and demand (respectfully) a SP be appointed, I just did.

  2. A dude that spends that much time on his hair, coloring it, moussing it, overcombing, etc, is a fucking prima donna. Fits perfectly with his attack-weasel grandstanding that GOES ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE.

    Blowhard swampian.

  3. Gowdy is about as annoying as Gateway Pundit these days with their “Boom!”
    BTW I still read GP and like them for the most part, it’s just sometimes the over dramatic stuff gets old.
    Congress isn’t ever going to do anything and even if a Special Prosecutor was appointed, who the hell could they appoint that isn’t in someone’s pocket?

  4. If Trey Gowdy were really a threat to the corrupt status quo of the government, he would be gone faster than the blink of an eye, which tends to rhyme with FBI. Honorable members of Congress do not last, that is why there are so many lifers keeping their seats.

  5. This is all for show, a flurry of legal beagles documents. The wheel’s go faster and faster. The grand finale is the screeching of tires as everything comes to a grinding halt. Everybody goes home. Game over!

  6. kid is hoping like crazy to get a pony for xmas. comes downstairs on xmas morning and sees a huuuuge beautifully wrapped box with his name on it under the tree. he opens it and finds a big pile of horse manure. he’s really excited and hollers for someone to “get a shovel quick, there’s a pony in here somewhere”.

  7. A man gets a haircut and, as a general rule, sticks with it.

    The only thing consistent about Gowdy is his Charlie Brown impersonation every time he heads an investigation. No letting Elijah Cummings or Adam Schiff derail the whole thing by leaking to the press, coordinating with the accused, and running interference for law breakers.

    Jail is the goal. Not grandstanding and crafting quotable one-liners that go nowhere.

  8. Lordy. I think that this could get to be so big that another Special Counsel will finally be appointed. If Congress does investigate Comey’s connection with the premature exoneration of Clinton’s Email scandal, it could finally produce some details that could not be obtained otherwise. Don’t forget that the Special Counsel’s work would not become public knowledge if a grand jury was impaneled. The facts might be ignored by the MSDM, but the real news will come through in time to influence the midterm election. Hopefully, this will tar Comey around the time that he’s promoting his book about what a fabulous job he did as the Director of the FBI.

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