HUNDREDS Of Western ISIS Fighters Return Home To the EU – IOTW Report

HUNDREDS Of Western ISIS Fighters Return Home To the EU

DC: Hundreds of western fighters who traveled to Iraq or Syria to fight for the Islamic State have returned home, a new report from The Soufan Center reveals.


The majority of foreign fighters within ISIS came from Russia and the Middle East however hundreds of them have still come back to the European Union. These include nearly half of departed fighters from the U.K., nearly 300 back to France, more than 100 in Belgium, and dozens others across Western Europe.

Returned fighters from ISIS remain a major counter-terrorism threat for western nations whose security services are already stretched thin. The report from the nonprofit organization classified  the fighters into five different categories:

(i) those who left early or after only a short stay and were never particularly integrated with IS; (ii) those who stayed longer, but did not agree with everything that IS was doing; (iii) those who had no qualms about their BEYOND THE CALIPHATE 19 role or IS tactics and strategy, but decided to move on; (iv) those who were fully committed to IS but forced out by circumstances, such as the loss of territory, or were captured and sent to their home countries; and (v) those who were sent abroad by IS to fight for the caliphate elsewhere.

The fifth category “will also be the most vicious and determined of the returnees,” the report warns. read more

9 Comments on HUNDREDS Of Western ISIS Fighters Return Home To the EU

  1. They probably come back to welfare checks and paid for housing. And if they are like the Somalis in Minnesotastan they will be able to go back to the Trashcanistan of their choice for a few weeks vacation.

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