Fmr Clinton Spokes-hole Says Hillary ‘May Have Known’ About Dossier Funding [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Fmr Clinton Spokes-hole Says Hillary ‘May Have Known’ About Dossier Funding [VIDEO]

DC: Hillary Clinton’s former campaign spokesman said Clinton “may have known” that her campaign was behind the funding of the infamous dossier linking the Trump campaign to the Russian government.

Brian Fallon, who is now a CNN contributor, said Wednesday that he did not know that they were funding the dossier prior to a bombshell report by the Washington Post. However, he said he did not know if Hillary Clinton was aware that her campaign and the DNC were paying Fusion GPS to produce the document.

“I don’t know,” Fallon said when asked if Hillary Clinton knew about the funding. “I haven’t spoken to her.”

CNN’s Poppy Harlow pressed onward, asking, “shouldn’t she have known?”

“Well, I mean, she may have known,” he clarified. “The degree of exactly what she knew is beyond my knowledge… I mean she may or may not have been aware of that level of detail. I don’t know.”  Watch

16 Comments on Fmr Clinton Spokes-hole Says Hillary ‘May Have Known’ About Dossier Funding [VIDEO]

  1. If there is an attorney in the crowd, for those that have had to lawyer up, and those that have had to defend their reputation, do they have an avenue to sue the shit out of hillary, the dnc, and anyone else that was involved in maliciously and fraudulently creating this work of fiction. We the taxpayers should sue them for the time and expense that the federal government spent on this.

  2. What did the President Elect know and when did she know it? Hillary was thrown off the Watergate Investigation legal staff for lying to her boss, so she should remember this famous question posed by Senator Baker about President Nixon. She’s going to need a bigger wine cellar for all that Chardonnay she’s going to guzzle on her way to her day in court.

  3. Making up lies about a political opponent is a time-honored tradition, but weaponizing political slander via the national government is banana republic corruption. One hopes the government will punish those responsible so the people don’t have to handle it themselves.

  4. “All’s fair in love and war.”

    We are at war.
    The socialists know it. The GOPe knows it.
    Only the Americans seem to be in the dark.
    Way past time to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I understand the ‘Dossier’ bs is the proverbial ‘camel’s nose under the tent’, but I want to see ‘What did Hillary know about the Uranium One deal & when did she know it’
    … that’s when they’ll start talking about possible jail time

  6. “I haven’t Asked her yet?” Yeah, old honest Hellary will tell you straight up.
    Hot tip, don’t be near anything that she can throw at ya.
    This should be good. Nice gallows you built there hill.

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