FEC Is Asked To Investigate Clinton Campaign And DNC Over ‘Misleading’ Dossier Payments – IOTW Report

FEC Is Asked To Investigate Clinton Campaign And DNC Over ‘Misleading’ Dossier Payments

Daily Caller: The Federal Election Commission is being pressed to investigate the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee over “misleading” payments it made last year for the infamous Trump dossier.

In a complaint submitted on Wednesday, the non-partisan election watchdog group, the Campaign Legal Center (CLC), took the Clinton campaign and DNC to task for listing its payments for the dossier work as “legal services” rather than for opposition research.

“By failing to file accurate reports, the DNC and Hillary for America undermined the vital public information role that reporting is intended to serve,” reads CLC’s nine-page complaint.

It was revealed on Tuesday that the campaign and DNC jointly paid opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Trump as part of a project that led to the dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele.  read more

14 Comments on FEC Is Asked To Investigate Clinton Campaign And DNC Over ‘Misleading’ Dossier Payments

  1. I have to wonder whether the extreme left wing of the party would use this to destroy any Clinton remnants left in the DNC. Hey, maybe it will be the first chip in the Clinton dam that will see Bill, Hillary and Chelsea facing a jury.

  2. The FEC’s main job is to legitimize Democrat campaign finance fraud and to suppress legitimate Republican campaign expenditures. If the FEC is being called in by a “nonpartisan” group, it is so that Clinton’s funny money can get the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Yes, I am dry cynical about the FEC.

  3. Hillary cheated and lied her way to the nomination then cheated even more but lost the election anyway to someone who ran a clean, very hard working campaign.
    She’s the biggest jerk to ever be a presidential nominee (barely beating out Obama).

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