Mitch McConnell’s Full Meltdown: Danny Tarkanian Slams Majority Leader, Dean Heller for Baseless Smears Against Steve Bannon – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell’s Full Meltdown: Danny Tarkanian Slams Majority Leader, Dean Heller for Baseless Smears Against Steve Bannon


Danny Tarkanian, an anti-establishment insurgent GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate in Nevada, is stepping up to fight back against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s cronies and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) in their efforts to inaccurately smear former White House chief strategist and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.

On Wednesday, the Senate Leadership Fund—a Super PAC affiliated with McConnell—bashed Bannon with a baseless fake news smear on Twitter in a tweet aimed at Tarkanian’s effort to push for fresh GOP leadership in the United States Senate.

The tweet contains a make-believe “pledge” that McConnell’s forces created to smear Bannon. It includes a fake news headline from the 2016 presidential campaign general election, when Bannon was CEO of now-President Donald Trump’s general election campaign, from the New York Daily News, falsely accusing Bannon of anti-Semitic viewpoints.

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7 Comments on Mitch McConnell’s Full Meltdown: Danny Tarkanian Slams Majority Leader, Dean Heller for Baseless Smears Against Steve Bannon

  1. I used to support Dean, but that support had been wavering with his vocal opposition to the Yucca Mountain Repository and other bone-headed things he’s been doing. Now that he’s obstructing President Trump’s agenda, I am completely done with him. Polling calls I used to dump are answered now, making it clear I am not voting for Dean Heller. I tie a nice bow around that by sending donations to Tarkanian so they can read it for themselves on Danny’s C&E reports.

  2. When I lived in Vegas, it seemed like Danny Tarkanian ran for some office every 2 years. I don’t recall him ever winning. That said, getting Dean Heller out would be a good thing, so if Danny can pull it off, more power to him.

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