Trump administration officially apologizes for IRS tea party targeting – IOTW Report

Trump administration officially apologizes for IRS tea party targeting


WT: Agreement specifically blames Lois Lerner by name for failures.

The IRS admitted in court Wednesday that it wrongly targeted tea party and other conservative groups for intrusive scrutiny, placing specific blame on former senior executive Lois G. Lerner, and entered into a settlement designed to make sure that kind of political targeting never takes place again.

The filing, made in federal court in Washington, D.C., amounts to a stunning apology from the Trump administration for actions taken under President Barack Obama, when hundreds of tea party and conservative groups were singled out for intrusive screening, forced to wait years for their applications to be approved, and subjected to outrageous questions.



According to the documents, the IRS and tea party groups have asked a judge to declare that discrimination on the basis of political views is a violation of the First Amendment, and is illegal.

“Disparate treatment of taxpayers based solely on the taxpayers’ names, any lawful positions the taxpayers espouse on any issues, or the taxpayers’ associations or perceived associations with a particular political movement, position, or viewpoint is unlawful,” the consent agreement says.  read more

15 Comments on Trump administration officially apologizes for IRS tea party targeting

  1. In the private sector, you immediately apologize to your customer for your company’s failure, punish the employee for misbehavior and if they broke the law, you hand over that ex-employee to law enforcement.
    The government version should be no different.

  2. Admission of guilt, after a lengthy investigation.
    Indictments should be next, depositions and prosecutions.

    Somebody Wake up Sessions, it’s time to do what you were put there for….enforcing the law equally and Justice.

  3. I’m okay with the apology. Because Trump had to do it on lerner’s, 0bama’s, and the irs’ behalf, because they would never do it themselves. He’s rubbing it in their faces, hard. And now it is in the records admiting 0bama’s admin did horrible things to the public. It must bother the 0bama lowlifes to no end. And now, here come the class-action lawsuits and lerner can be named in them. Because Trump named her and her illegal activity.
    Has she packed for Canada yet? Or hey, maybe Russia? LOL.

  4. MJA – Yes! I think this opens Lerner et al up to lawsuits..personal lawsuits. If we can’t put her in jail, we can at last try to take some of her ill-gotten gains.

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