Honor Killing Victim Jessica Mokdad’s Mother Leaves Islam and Apologizes – IOTW Report

Honor Killing Victim Jessica Mokdad’s Mother Leaves Islam and Apologizes

Art by BigFurHat

American Thinker/ Pamela Geller:

My AFDI Jessica Mokdad Human Rights conference on April 29, 2012 in Dearborn, Michigan was the first (and only) conference of its kind dedicated to increasing awareness of honor killings and gendercide under sharia.  When we first called the conference, the only attention the media paid to it at all was to give a platform to Jessica Mokdad’s family, which was angry that Jessica’s name was being used and claiming that Jessica’s murder was not an Islamic honor killing.  Jessica’s father threatened to sue me.  But now Jessica’s mother has contacted me to confirm that it was indeed an honor killing and to thank me for standing for her daughter.

She Facebook-messaged me:

6 Comments on Honor Killing Victim Jessica Mokdad’s Mother Leaves Islam and Apologizes

  1. When you venerate a megalomaniac, pedophile, murdering, false prophet who encourages submission, dominance, annihilation through terrorism and jihad of all religions, how could you expect anything but death.

    It was a death cult of domination from the beginning and it remains so 1400 years later, just bigger, stronger and continues to spread their social infection world-wide.

    Like life threatening diseases, it must be shown for what it is and be eradicated.

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