What Is ‘Democratic Socialism’? – IOTW Report

What Is ‘Democratic Socialism’?

American Thinker: How do we make sense of this statement made by the Democratic Socialists of America (The “the largest socialist organization in the United States,” according to itself)?

“Electoral tactics are only a means for democratic socialists.”

This piece is also set within the context of the rise of the British “radical socialist”, “democratic socialist” and Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn MP. (According to his followers, Corbyn “almost won” the British election in June 2017.)

Democratic socialism itself must also be seen within the context of 20th century communism and Stalinism.

What I mean by that is that there has been a brazen attempt to separate socialism and even communism itself from Stalinism — and from all the other forms of socialism which have led to dictatorships or totalitarianism. Interestingly enough, even Trotskyists have also almost entirely defined themselves in opposition to Stalin and the Soviet Union. Of course, virtually no kind of socialist/communist is ever going to explicitly commit himself to dictatorship or totalitarianism and hardly any socialist/communist ever has. (Even the National Socialist Adolf Hitler and the International Socialist Josef Stalin never explicitly committed themselves to totalitarianism.)  more here

19 Comments on What Is ‘Democratic Socialism’?

  1. If you want to be a ” Democratic Socialist ” pass the Bill first , and then you will become a Subject of the Government. Free to be controlled and monitored at any time !!!

  2. Socialists believe you can only reform the government by violent take-over killing all dissenters.

    Fascists are socialists who believe you can take over the government gradually through elections killing all dissenters as you go.

    Any questions?

  3. Ain’t nothing democratic about Democrat Socialist ideals.

    Or the Democrat Party.

    Stop adding the “ic” that they love to put in their titles.
    It belittles true democracy.

  4. Democratic Socialism is just Communists subverting the democratic process to end democracy.

    It’s like if you see someone open carrying and you ask them to unholster so you can examine their piece and then rob them with their own gun.

  5. What Is ‘Democratic Socialism’?
    It is the New Communism of Unnecessary, Over-Reaching, Over-bearing, High-Handed, Autocratic “Regulation” brought to us by the Øbamboozler and the Left, supported by the propaganda arm of the government (the bought and paid for MSM) who will gladly replace thinking with Political Correctness, replace working with mandated wages and replace teaching with Comomon Core indoctrination.

  6. Democratic Socialism
    Socialist Democrats
    National Socialists
    Soviet Socialists

    Seems to be a common thread.

    It’s a good thing (for the socialists) that American education is so far destroyed that a great many of us have little to no conception of what “socialism” means. Hate, Slavery, Misery, and Death are the wages of socialism. Then, as now. It will never be otherwise – in fact, it cannot – the ideology is Satanic; insofar as it is based on lies, envy, greed, nihilism, and atheism.
    Nothing good can ever come of it. And never shall.
    An acorn will not always grow into an Oak Tree, but it will NEVER grow into a Maple.

    I Guarantee It.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. When the head of the Democratic National Socialist Committee omits the Electoral College from the Constitution, I think it is safe to say that they view electoral politics as an obstruction, not a means, to Democratic Socialism. “One Man, One Vote, One Time” is the only electoral politics they can accept.

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