McCain Won’t Say Whether He Knew He Was Handing Clinton-Funded Russia Dossier to FBI – IOTW Report

McCain Won’t Say Whether He Knew He Was Handing Clinton-Funded Russia Dossier to FBI


PHILADELPHIA — Sen. John McCain may find himself facing serious questions following the disclosure that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research utilized in the infamous, largely discredited 35-page dossier on President Donald Trump.

In December, it was McCain who notoriously passed the controversial dossier documents produced by the Washington opposition research firm Fusion GPS to then FBI Director James Comey, whose agency reportedly utilized the dossier as some of the basis for its probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

McCain’s office did not immediately respond to Breitbart News phone and email requests for comment about whether the Arizona senator was aware that the research he passed to the FBI was paid for by the DNC and Clinton’s campaign.

McCain’s office also did not immediately respond to a request for information on how he first obtained the dossier.  more here

35 Comments on McCain Won’t Say Whether He Knew He Was Handing Clinton-Funded Russia Dossier to FBI

  1. He figures “what can they do to me, I’m dead anyway”. I’d suggest he be interred in a sewage treatment plant instead of a graveyard. He’ll be at home with the company surrounding him.

  2. I NEVER VOTED FOR McCAIN! The 2008 election was a farce, and my vote is forever “McCain-Free.”

    Then I surly voted for ROMNEY right? Nope. He was a loser too. Turns out, he was just as big of a back-stabbing jerk as McCain.

    Stick to your guns. When you vote for these people, the RNC gets encouraged to bring more up for votes.

  3. @Cato, i think you’re wrong. Mccain offered his services for free.

    I’d forgotten that mcSongBird handed the fbi that doss. No wonder Trump is ballistic over the swamp king.

    @💥 Half-Assed-Patriot 💥 I voted for Palin as did most, but i held my head high and passed up the romney/ryan swamp reps and voted Paul

  4. At this stage if there was any delay in anwering the question you can probably assume the answer was he knew it was a DNC financed report and as such, in the election season should have been regarded as a boobytrap. McCain knew what it was and handed it over because of spite, hatred, a twisted sense of patriotism, an attempt to destroy Trump in order to maintain the status quo in DC. We’ll probably never know all the details unless his brain cancer eats up that area of the brain that allows him to lie. Now wouldn’t that make for an interesting press conference.

  5. He was all too happy to play the snitch. Probably skipped like a little girl on the way to the FBI office.

    Make his last days miserable and drag him to testify and eat legal expenses every step of the way.

    Let’s see his e-mails.

    Cancer/McCain 2017

  6. Of course he won’t comment. Roaches run and hide when exposed to the truth of the spotlight. Run, McCainroach, run. His ‘valor’ and self-touted maverickism turns out to be as chicken$hi++, as and roach.

  7. When McCain won’t say, that means he was behind the dossier 100%. He figures he’s only got a few short weeks left, so what does he have to lose. It’s doubtful he believes in a life here after. So be it McCain, you will stand before your maker.

  8. Moe Tom: I hope it is found out before he croaks so a replacement senator can be appointed. He has turned on his constituents (I know, I am one) and has an anti-trump scorched-earth policy. He must go.

  9. One of Trump’s confidantes should pull him aside and let him know the DNC intends to make HIM the big patsy in this entire mess. He’ll be the one who gets blamed for coming up with the idea, finding the people to do it, and arranging for the transfer of the doctored info and the payments.

    His reputation will be dragged through the mud and he’ll forever be regarded worse than Benedict Arnold. Any family he has will be smeared with the same fecal-covered brush because it’ll be claimed he bragged about it to them. Only HE will get blamed and there’s nothing he can do to stop them after he’s dead, and, of course, his past crimes such as murdering his shipmates on the Forestal, his Hanoi Hilton singing career, and all the rest will be not only widely exposed, but greatly exaggerated to make him look as bad as possible. Maybe even blame him for other things he didn’t do.

    No, you traitor, you just go into that long good night knowing your entire claim to fame will be little better than Judas Iscariot. On the other hand, confessing your sins is good for the soul and would keep all the evidence quiet.

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