6 Unanswered Questions About Bob Corker’s Sweetheart Deal: Taxpayers Paid Him $108,000 Last Year – IOTW Report

6 Unanswered Questions About Bob Corker’s Sweetheart Deal: Taxpayers Paid Him $108,000 Last Year

Breitbart: Senator Bob Corker’s (R-TN) unprecedented attacks on President Trump have garnered massive attention from the mainstream media this week, allowing the junior senator from Tennessee who announced last month he will not be seeking re-election in 2018to keep the focus away from the sweetheart deal in which Alabama taxpayers paid him $108,682 in 2016.

But one month after Breitbart News broke the story about Corker’s lucrative investment in a controversial real estate development deal in Mobile, Alabama’s McGowin Park Shopping Center, six significant questions remain unanswered about that transaction.  read more

2 Comments on 6 Unanswered Questions About Bob Corker’s Sweetheart Deal: Taxpayers Paid Him $108,000 Last Year

  1. He can buy a lot of phonebooks to sit on with that cheddar. From better zip codes too.

    Funny how Corker started piping up after Luther Strange lost to Roy Moore considering that Strange was his business partner in the deal.

    All of the investors in the world and somehow they luck into a US Senator who accuses criticism of his sweetheart deal as being provided by – wait for it – Fusion GPS. What are the chances?

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