Scientists say flatulent shellfish are contributing to climate change – IOTW Report

Scientists say flatulent shellfish are contributing to climate change

Swedish Scientists have discovered that farting shellfish are contributing vast amounts of greenhouse gases. They’re spewing out methane and nitrous oxide, two nasty agents behind climate change that have a warming potential of 28 and 265 times more than carbon dioxide respectively.  

28 Comments on Scientists say flatulent shellfish are contributing to climate change

  1. finally! some good ‘climate change’ bullcrap I can use!

    I pledge to eat as much shellfish as I possibly can & do my part to rid the planet of these noxious creatures … yum!

    … no need to thank me ….

  2. Ever ask yourself why the Ocean is salty? It’s those damn Whales. Your typical blue whale produces more than 400 gallons of sperm when it ejaculates. That’s why I never go into the ocean.

  3. @BBrad ~ I always thought the ocean is salty because of that old joke who’s punchline goes: “Now I’ll never get that smell out of those fish!”

    btw, how do you know that whale sperm is salty? …. wait … maybe I don’t think I want to know … 😛

  4. So what is their remedy to irradiating creatures who have been around since time began? Isn’t it funny, Climate whatever-the-new-name-is has as many changes and lives, as HRC has excuses.


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