McConnell Advances 6 Judicial Nominees, Base and Republicans Push for More – IOTW Report

McConnell Advances 6 Judicial Nominees, Base and Republicans Push for More

Big Gov: WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senate Republicans confirmed one federal judge on Thursday and set the stage to confirm five more judges next week, including to federal appeals courts across the nation. While these are victories for President Donald Trump, conservatives caution senators that this week’s developments are a good start, but not enough to satisfy them when it comes to the federal courts.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) filed for cloture on five judicial nominees, one to the federal trial court in Washington, D.C., and the other four to the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Third, Sixth, Seventh, and Tenth Circuits. The federal appeals courts are just one step down from the U.S. Supreme Court.

The appellate nominees are: Stephanos Bibas for the Third Circuit, Joan Larsen for the Sixth Circuit, Amy Coney Barrett for the Seventh Circuit, and Allison Eid for the Tenth Circuit.  MORE

4 Comments on McConnell Advances 6 Judicial Nominees, Base and Republicans Push for More

  1. I detect the Corker/Strange/Flake winds o’ change a blowin’. I’m sure he expects a bear hug from Trump. Now keep up the momentum and push the agency nominees over the finish line. Dems are in freak out mode, strike while the iron is hot.

  2. Way to go Mitch, 6 nominations out of the 149 judicial openings.
    Your action gives a False appearance of supporting the President.
    At this pace, you will have nominated all 149 nominees by 2036.

    McCONnell — Lead or get out of the way.

  3. “Some nominees are still in limbo after today’s moves, most notably Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras, who was nominated for the Eighth Circuit. Stras is still held hostage in the SJC because Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) refuses to return a blue piece of paper with a check mark to Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA).”

    So that is all it takes for one asshat to block a nomination? Mitch, you imbecile, change the damn rules!

  4. Almost a year in and there are still 149 seats unfilled (assuming Cato is right)? The most important legacy Trump can fill is to place conservatives or at least non activist Judges on the bench. Look what only a couple of Judges appointed by the the left have done to delay Trumps temporary changes to immigration to give immigration and chance to sort out the mess they’re in because of the Dems and come up with a more secure and rational immigration policy. If it takes McConnell to change the damn rules then maybe it’s time that was seriously considered. I understand that it’s a change that could come back and bite conservatives on the ass but at this rate for any meaningful change to occur 2018 has to be a absolute bloodbath for the Dems with most seats taken by actual Republican conservatives and I don’t think that will happen. Maybe the threat of change will be enough, at least enough for Franken to turn in his little blue piece of paper. What a dick.

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