Trump Picks Replacement For Embattled IRS Chief John Koskinen – IOTW Report

Trump Picks Replacement For Embattled IRS Chief John Koskinen


President Trump made it official on Thursday that embattled IRS Commissioner John Koskinen will be out of a job next month.

Trump tapped David Kautter, the Treasury Department’s assistant secretary for tax policy, to serve as interim IRS commissioner, beginning Nov. 13.

Koskinen’s term ends on Nov. 12. He was eligible for reappointment, but Koskinen is fiercely opposed by congressional Republicans. Members of the House Freedom Caucus attempted but failed to impeach Koskinen last year, largely over his handling of the scandal involving former IRS official Lois Lerner.  more

22 Comments on Trump Picks Replacement For Embattled IRS Chief John Koskinen

  1. I cannot believe it took this long to get rid of this golem.

    And that he shuffles off with a fat pension and no jail time.

    He is, for me, the permanent title holder of most punchable face.

    May he rot in Hades.

  2. The IRS criminal, illegal campaign of harassment and intimidation of conservative political activists involving misuse of federal resources for illegal partisan political ends was well established.

    Lying to Congress and overseeing the destruction of evidence carried no penalties for John Koskinen or personnel in the IRS.

    The credibility of the IRS is worse than the DOJ & FBI —- and that’s saying something.

    Another example of political appointees, as elites, face no criminal charges for their illegal activities

    It’s good to be above the law in the two tiered justice system.

  3. With everything we are finding out, people had better be charged, prosecuted and jailed! Not out of retribution, but for simple justice, otherwise this shit will just continue to happen again and again on either side if politicians can see that there are no consequences for their illegal, illicit actions.

  4. Instead of going to a prison cell, Koskinen will do the same as Lerner: retire to a big fancy house with a fat taxpayer-funded government pension. After targeting Obama’s political enemies with the IRS.
    Laws are for the little people

  5. There’s no justice in this world.
    If there was justice, this guy would be hobbled, castrated, blinded, and sent begging with a bell around his neck. To kill him would be forbidden. Must be fed, and then driven from town before nightfall. Beatings, OK.
    After 20 years, or so, he could be allowed to drown himself … in a cesspool.

    Or come up with a REALLY suitable punishment!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. That is one scary-ass dude. But if you think dumping him is going to change the Fascist role of the IRS, you’re sadly mistaken. The IRS is there for one role only… to intimidate Americans. Why in Hell would they be put in charge of the nation’s health insurance system? That’s your answer.

  7. It sucks that he gets away scot-free, but even if the Republicans had managed to impeach him, the result would be the same, most likely. PDT picked a great time to ease him out, amidst the stampede of squirrels. I still believe that Koskinen and Trump go way back and have a private understanding between each other which complicated things, but I am willing to chalk this up as a promise essentially kept by PDT. Having said that, don’t expect the same deal, Hillary.

  8. the citizens need to start a list of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who have broken the law and are skating away scott free.

    we will not have civil peace and discourse until the law is applied equally.

    anything short of reenacting the French revolution at this point is going to be useless.
    the ruling establishment will not police themselves.

  9. Hey, whats the problem? the IRS only messes with deplorable American Citizens! It treats the Marxists, Moguls, and the sainted illegal aliens as sacrosanct!

  10. When you commit crimes in government, you just don’t get another term of employment.

    That’s about the limits of gov’ts ability to punish their own.

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