Tom Perez: DNC ‘Didn’t Ask Questions’ About Dossier Research Project – IOTW Report

Tom Perez: DNC ‘Didn’t Ask Questions’ About Dossier Research Project

Daily Caller: Tom Perez said this week that the Democratic National Committee, which he chairs, “didn’t ask questions” about the opposition research its lawyers were conducting on Donald Trump, research that led to the creation of the infamous Steele dossier.

In an interview at an event hosted by the University of Chicago, Perez said that it was only “a few days ago” that he learned about the fact that the DNC and Clinton campaign paid for the dossier.  MORE

6 Comments on Tom Perez: DNC ‘Didn’t Ask Questions’ About Dossier Research Project

  1. From the Independent Sentinel: “McCain, the Guardian said, was worried that his actions might be interpreted as revenge [yeah, we’re sure he was worried], but he decided to hand over the documents to FBI Director James Comey on December 9 anyway.”

    They need to waterboard McStain.

  2. Oh well, gee, I believe this lying, stupid POS. Don’t you? I mean, he has such an honest face and all.

    Considering how dirty the Clintons were, with the whole Uranium One thingy, and how ridiculous the dossier was…the fact that they decided to try and smear Trump with the Russian collusion meme, is soooooo beyond stupid, it’s mind boggling.

    What is it with Democrats not being able to follow anything to it’s logical and likely conclusion?

    If they squeezed all their heads together real hard, the entire DNC couldn’t come up with one firing neuron.

  3. Of course he asked questions! Something like, “You guys know, don’t you, that your whole purpose is to give us plausible deniability and a cut-out so the details of what you do for us don’t have to go on our finance reports? And you know that if you blow it, if you screw it up, we’ll black-ball you so you’ll never, ever, ever get another contract from any Dem politician in the whole U.S.A., right? Right?”

  4. The DNC gave sleazy lawyers millions and “didn’t ask questions” about what it was for. Riiight. And half the voters think it’s a good idea to trust these guys with a $4,000,000,000,000 federal budget?

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