Obama CIA Director: Intel Committee Needs To Look Into Clinton Campaign’s Payments For Dossier [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Obama CIA Director: Intel Committee Needs To Look Into Clinton Campaign’s Payments For Dossier [VIDEO]

DC: Leon Panetta, a CIA director under President Obama, said Thursday that congressional committees need to investigate who in the Clinton campaign “knew what and when” about payments for the Trump dossier.

In an interview on CNN, Panetta was asked about Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s and DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s denials about knowing who paid for the dossier. It was reported on Tuesday that the campaign and DNC paid for the dossier through their law firm, Perkins Coie.

“Well, it’s obviously something that the intelligence committee is going to have to look at,” Panetta said.

“You know, knowing presidential campaigns, they’re big operations and somehow the left hand may not know what the right hand is doing. And that could be the case here, but I really do think that the committee is going to have to get into this, determine just exactly what happened. Who knew what and when.”

Adding further mystery to the “who knew what and when” question was the revelation on Thursday that Podesta testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month that he was not aware of who paid for the dossier.

But Podesta happened to be sitting next to Marc Elias, the Perkins Coie lawyer who orchestrated the deal to pay opposition research firm Fusion GPS to conduct the investigation that led to the dossier. Elias was general counsel for the Clinton campaign and DNC. He is also Podesta’s attorney.  Read More

10 Comments on Obama CIA Director: Intel Committee Needs To Look Into Clinton Campaign’s Payments For Dossier [VIDEO]

  1. “that could be the case here, but I really do think that the committee is going to have to get into this, determine just exactly what happened. Who knew what and when.”

    Has Hell just froze over?

  2. So one of Obama’s senior cabal just threw Clinton under the bus. The Clintonista’s are going to be wiped out in the Democrat Party and it’s just possible their protection will be taken away although they know where most of the bodies are buried (having buried them) it just be extended just in case they try doing some deals. Next few months could be a lot of fun especially if Hillary turns up on that grassy knoll.

  3. Hoft ran a piece this week about clinton and the dossier which was pretty funny, really. Something like, “Hillary Clinton Says She Doesn’t Know About Dossier But Tweeted About it 8 Times Before The Election.” And it’s in her book!

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