The JFK files: Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots – IOTW Report

The JFK files: Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots US President Donald Trump ordered the release of more than 2800 records related to the John F. Kennedy assassination on Thursday (Friday NZ Time), but bowed to pressure from the CIA, FBI and other agencies to delay disclosing some of the most sensitive documents for another six months.

Even so, the thousands of pages that were published online by the US National Archives describe decades of spies and surveillance, informants and assassination plots.

More than a dozen reporters and editors for The Washington Post have combed through the documents since their release.

Here are some of the wildest things they found, some of which have been reported about before and some new.


A 1964 FBI memo describes a meeting in which Cuban exiles tried to set a price on the heads of Fidel Castro, RaulCastro and Ernesto “Che” Guevara.

“It was felt that the $150,000.00 to assassinate FIDEL CASTRO plus $5,000 expense money was too high,” the memo noted.

At a subsequent meeting, they settled on more modest sums: $100,000 for Fidel, $20,000 for Raul and $20,000 for Che.


Another document describes the well-known CIA scheme called Operation BOUNTY that sought to overthrow Cuba’s government, and established a system of financial rewards for Cubans for “killing or delivering alive known communists”.

The CIA would let Cubans know of the plan by dropping leaflets in the air, but there were rules: A reward would be paid to an individual upon presentation of a leaflet, with “conclusive” proof of death and dead person’s party/revolutionary membership card.

Cubans who played along would get a certain dollar amount based on the title of the communist who they had killed. They’d get up to US$100,000 for government officials and US$57,500 for “department heads”.

Castro, perhaps for symbolic reasons, would earn a Cuban only two cents.


A 1960 FBI memo described a “high-priced Hollywood call girl” who was approached by Fred Otash, a well known Los Angeles private investigator, seeking information about sex parties involving then US Senator John F. Kennedy, his brother-in-law actor Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.

“She told the agents that she was unaware of any indiscretions,” the memo said.


An FBI file contains information on the bureau’s attempt to locate a stripper named “Kitty”, last name unknown.

According to the file, another stripper named Candy Cane said Kitty had been an associate of Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who killed Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963.

Leon Cornman, business agent with the American Guild of Variety Artists in New Orleans, told the FBI “the only stripper he knew by the name of Kitty who worked in New Orleans was Kitty Raville”.

“He advised (that) Raville committed suicide in New Orleans in August or September 1963,” the report states.


A draft report by the US House Select Committee on Assassinations found it unlikely that Cuba would kill Kennedy as retaliation for CIA’s attempts on Castro’s life.

“The Committee does not believe Castro would have assassinated President Kennedy, because such an act, if discovered, would have afforded the United States the excuse to destroy Cuba,” the draft states.

“The risk would not have been worth it.”


In an internal FBI report from May 1964, an informant told the FBI that the Ku Klux Klan said it “had documented proof that US President Lyndon B. Johnson was formerly a member of the Klan in Texas during the early days of his political career.”

The “documented proof” was not provided.


30 Comments on The JFK files: Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots

  1. Funny how the headlines started out yesterday with “Trump Orders JFK Files Released”.

    Then, by yesterday afternoon, it was, “Trump Made to Look Weak By Intel Community Refusal to Release JFK Files”.

    And this morning, it’s all “Trump Orders JFK File Release Delayed and Redacted”

    So which is it? Is the media trying to make Trump the heavy here, in order to avoid the public perception of deep state obstruction? Or is Trump reframing the media’s perception of his weakness by jumping in front of the deep state parade?

  2. “More than a dozen reporters and editors for The Washington Post have combed through the documents since their release.”

    That’s because they are so desperate to find any type of evidence on Trump Russian collusion, they hope to find something in the JFK files they can pin on him. Either that are they are looking for an excuse to say why they aren’t covering the Hillary Uranium One treason.

  3. There’s no question that the Deep State will do everything to subvert this effort by Trump. This is Trump’s way of not just draining the present Swamp, but draining the Historical Swamp as well.

    Trump knows that Washington and it’s denizens have been under the sway of the Communists and the corrosive Left since they successfully discredited the very prescient Sen. McCarthy sixty years ago, and Trump also knows that our D.O.J., FBI, and Intelligence agencies have been pumping us this bullshit for at LEAST that long.

    President Trump isn’t just draining The Swamp. He’s blowing up The Matrix.

    A mighty force our President is. Pray for him.

  4. Wow….

    The records also reveal a deposition given before the presidential Commission on CIA Activities in 1975 by Richard Helms, who had served as the agency’s director. After a discussion of Vietnam, David Belin, a lawyer for the commission, turned to whether the CIA was involved in Kennedy’s killing.

    “Well, now, the final area of my investigation relates to charges that the CIA was in some way conspiratorially involved with the assassination of President Kennedy. During the time of the Warren Commission, you were Deputy Director of Plans, is that correct?” Belin asked.

    After Helms replied that he was, Belin then asked: “Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent or agent…”

    Then, suddenly, the document cuts off.

  5. It was William Jefferson Clinton who said this at former Exalted Cyclops, Robert Byrd’s, memorial:

    “The family feeling, the clan loyalty, the fanatic independence,. the desire for a hand up, not a hand out, the willingness to fight when put into a corner . . .”

    It has also been attributed to clinton that he said he didn’t blame Byrd for being in the Klan “because that was the only way to get ahead, get noticed, in the Democrat party.”

    Byrd was a huge backer of Johnson’s presidential bid. Birds of a feather.

  6. He delayed the release of the final documents for 6 months. During that time they are to be reviewed. A request made by his appointee. I don’t see the delay as unreasonable.

  7. Does anyone actually believe that if government agencies or high-level politicians were involved in the plot that they would list all such involvement in official government documents which would then be released in X number of years?

  8. 54 years ago.
    No one involved could be harmed by this.
    No “National Security” issues are relevant.

    Release it all, without redaction, and be done with it.
    It’s total bullshit to wait another 6 months – who’s gonna die in the next 6 months?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. After a quick glance at some of the documents that are being talked about on Social Media, I don’t think it’s an individual they are trying to protect. I think they fear how upset the public is going to be at the corruption that existed even back in 1964. Confirmation of the “SWAMP”.

  10. 6 months. Let’s see. What’s happening 6 months from now…

    Oh, yeah! Midterm elections!

    I wonder if any of our esteemed representatives or senators will be mentioned in the released documents…

  11. After extensive scrutiny of all the documents the only obvious conclusion that the lone gunman was our own….. MJA!!!!!
    Read it for yourselves.

    MJA had the motive and the opportunity.

    Turn yourself in MJA.

  12. It wuz suicide. First JFK grabs his throat, choking on all the lies he told. Then his head explodes as he suddenly realizes Russia bent him over and reamed him over Cuba.

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