Washington Free Beacon, Funded By Rubio Donor, Is Fusion GPS’s Republican Client – IOTW Report

Washington Free Beacon, Funded By Rubio Donor, Is Fusion GPS’s Republican Client

DC: The Washington Free Beacon, a website largely funded by billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer, is the mysterious Republican-linked client that first hired opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Donald Trump during the presidential campaign.

Free Beacon representatives informed the House Intelligence Committee of the relationship on Friday, the site’s editor-in-chief said in a statement on the website.

The Washington Examiner and The New York Times first reported the news, which followed after the revelation this week that the law firm for the Clinton campaign and DNC had hired Fusion last year to produce the infamous Steele dossier.

Free Beacon editor-in-chief Matthew Continetti said in a statement Friday that the site did not pay Fusion GPS for any part of the dossier. Fusion hired the firm in Oct. 2015. According to The Times, The Free Beacon ended the contract last May, as Trump ascended to the GOP nomination.  MORE

19 Comments on Washington Free Beacon, Funded By Rubio Donor, Is Fusion GPS’s Republican Client

  1. Not surprised. Some WFB writers were very petty in their reporting of Trump just before the election, up to a few months after, when I stopped linking them because of that. They had nothing serious to say so I just left them alone.

  2. No flashing siren on Drudge about the Mueller indictment s and coming arrests on Monday? What gives?!?

    I’m so disgusted by the Left and the NeverTrumpers. Good economic news today, booming stock market then this crap…

    Earth to Jeff Sessions….! 😡

  3. Geoff C. has a pretty cool theory about Sessions. I’ll let him explain it. 😉

    I think it’s already been established that the GOP’s engagement with F-GPS had a distinct end before they were used by the clinton campaign. Isn’t that right?

  4. CNN is reporting that Mueller will be taking indicted perps into custody on Monday. CNN? No comment from Mueller’s office.
    My guess is that CNN investigative reporters saw some of Mueller’s lawyers go to a Federal Court yesterday. That has to mean indictments. (?) Let’s see what happens Monday.

  5. If the indictment is sealed, then that means somebody broke the law by leaking it to CNN. Not that law is all that important to any of these people.

    I’m seeing all these rumors, Manafort, Flynn, Don Jr.(He messes with Trump’s family and I think he’ll find out about Papa bears), Podesta and Comey.(I’d say that’s some wishful thinking on the last two.)

    We all know you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. It’s a good way though to talk about something other than Hillary and Bill and Uranium and Mueller’s ties.

  6. For all you young guns Marco is not the first Communist Cuban Republican. John Sunnuunu was before Marco was born. That John worked for both GHW Bush and Mitt a coincidence? I think not!

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