Report Reveals CNN’s Close Ties to Trump-Smearing Firm Fusion GPS – IOTW Report

Report Reveals CNN’s Close Ties to Trump-Smearing Firm Fusion GPS

Breitbart: As more details emerge about the murky swamp that funded Fusion GPS’s work on the salacious Trump dossier, a new report reveals CNN’s own ties to the smear-for-hire firm.

CNN’s justice correspondent Evan Perez, who has reported extensively on the Russia investigation and the Trump dossier, is close personal friends with Fusion GPS’s founders, according to a report by the Daily Caller.

Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and Perez both worked at the Wall Street Journaltogether and regularly co-authored national security stories.

Thomas Catan, another Fusion co-founder, also worked as a reporter for the Journal at the same time as Perez and Simpson. A third co-founder, Peter Fritsch, was Perez and Simpson’s senior national security editor.

Simpson and Fritsch left the Journal in 2011 to launch Fusion, and Perez went to CNN in 2013. Another Journal reporter, Neil King, joined Fusion in December 2016.

The Daily Caller discovered Facebook postings that showed the closeness of Perez to Fusion GPS’s founders.  read more

3 Comments on Report Reveals CNN’s Close Ties to Trump-Smearing Firm Fusion GPS

  1. Reporters-propagandists like these folks is the reason why why I cancalled my subsription to the WSJ many years ago. It has only gotten worse under Murdoch.

  2. This collusion by the progressives has more skins than an onion. Isn’t it joyous to watch it peeled? No, I don’t get my hopes up for justice; the rotten stench of the leftist rotten onion is almost over powering. However, I am reminded of this Ayn Rand passage: ““When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you … you may know that your society is doomed.”

    Just hoping The Trumpinator sucks the swamp dry. But I fear that swamp dweller Sessions needs to recuse himself from being DOJ head, or fired.

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