Officials Don’t Know Whereabouts of Most U.S. Citizen Islamic State Recruits – IOTW Report

Officials Don’t Know Whereabouts of Most U.S. Citizen Islamic State Recruits


An unsettling report from the Soufan Center, a security consulting firm based in Washington, finds that a large number of Islamic State fighters from Western countries have returned home, while many others are completely unaccounted for, including 122 Americans.

The 122 missing jihadis represent nearly all of the Americans who traveled to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS. A grand total of 129 people are known to have left the United States to serve the Islamic State, according to the Soufan Center report, but only seven of them are known to have returned home.

Fox News quotes security expert Lee Oughton of the Abbey Grey Group responding to the Soufan Center’s findings:

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7 Comments on Officials Don’t Know Whereabouts of Most U.S. Citizen Islamic State Recruits

  1. “The question of what to do with returning jihadis is difficult.”

    No it isn’t difficult. They are treasonous enemy combatants who committed murder, rape and genocide against a civilians and allied forces.

    Those from the US abdicated any rights afforded US citizens and should be dealt with accordingly. Military tribunal. Execution or life in prison (Guantanamo).

  2. I don’t see the problem. Are you expecting some nebulous variation of a government agency to keep your family safe from Muslim jihadists? Are you a fool? Did you see what they did in New York over a decade ago when the government let them in?

    Your government doesn’t care if you, as an individual, die at the hands of foreign insurgents. You really need to understand this.

    The Islamic soldiers are not killing our politicians. They WON’T, for very good reasons. And our politicians, like those in France and Germany, could care less that you get killed by these assholes. Doesn’t hurt them or their families does it?

    Suck it up, get used to being collateral damage.

    Or organize and kill these fuckers. And face vigorous prosecution from your government for defending your family and country from foreign invaders.

    The choices are simple. The consequences are hard.

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