E! News Correspondent Accused Of Sexual Harassment – IOTW Report

E! News Correspondent Accused Of Sexual Harassment


Although Ken Baker publicly expressed disgust at the actions of Harvey Weinstein, he might have been projecting, as three women have come forward and accused him of sexual harassment.

An intern at Us Weekly in 2003 has shared an email with The Wrap claiming Baker groped her after a 2006 party at the Playboy Mansion.


According to the email, Baker claimed to have borrowed viagra from Hugh Hefner.

“I’m telling my friends your ‘covering’ the party… lol… should be fun. Borrowing viagra from Hef,” the email states.

The woman, who interned for Us Weekly at the same time Baker was the outlets West Coast editor, claims he would invite her into his office to talk about her career.

“It would turn into him basically asking for details about my personal life. He would ask about my sex life in particular,” the woman told The Wrap  on the condition of anonymity. “When he could come talk to me he would sit right next [to]  me, getting close[sic] and closer. … I went along with it because I wanted a future at the magazine.” read more


12 Comments on E! News Correspondent Accused Of Sexual Harassment

  1. Why the hell is it that with all this sex going on…..I’m left alone with nothing more than my imagination??
    However, I’m thinking my zip code is beyond the reach of these parasites….and that’s a good thing.

  2. Everything swings to the extreme once started. Next we’ll be inundated with reports of adolescent indiscretions like pigtail pulling. Even those with the most mundane and obscure positions in public life are targeted.

  3. “I went along with it because I wanted a future at the magazine”

    prostitutes “go along with it” because they want the money too.

    I don’t see a difference at this point.

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