The Battle Over The Government’s Massive Surveillance Powers Has Arrived – IOTW Report

The Battle Over The Government’s Massive Surveillance Powers Has Arrived

DC: A significant provision in a contentious surveillance law is set to expire at the end of the year, and a number of lawmakers are scrambling to either re-enact the legislation permanently or find its statutory replacement.

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was created through congressional amendments to a prior bill, allows federal intelligence agencies to collect data on foreigners suspected of crimes. But due to the broad powers enumerated in the law and the inherent nature of surveillance, the electronic communications of law-abiding Americans are often scooped up as well.

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7 Comments on The Battle Over The Government’s Massive Surveillance Powers Has Arrived

  1. the republicans can’t build a wall, get rid of obamacare, they can’t lower taxes, they can’t jail obama and hillary but you can bet your bottom dollar that they will have enough votes to continue the unconstitutional citizen surveillance.

  2. Awww… Isn’t that special. They think telling us to pay them to discuss whether it will be better for them to call it “permanent” (subject to change, without notice), or “temporary” (subject to change, without notice), will pay more if they call it a “battle”.

  3. The so-called government of “We the people for the people and by the people” is now an all-encompassing octopus with unlimited tentacles and the eyes of a medusa!

  4. Why would we need to monitor “” if we just didn’t let “” stay in our country. He needs to stay in HIS country and do whatever shit he wants.

  5. How about we end this Big Brother is Watching You and replace it with the Fourth Amendment? Is that too old-fashioned an idea?

    Seriously, the NSA is staffed by criminals and traitors.

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