Hillary Clinton hung out with Tony Podesta this weekend – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton hung out with Tony Podesta this weekend

BPR: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was spotted Sunday hobnobbing with a person who is currently at the focus of the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s interference into the U.S. presidential election.

Clinton hung out with Sidney Blumenthal and political consultant Tony Podesta this weekend at the former Democratic presidential candidate birthday bash. Podesta’s appearance at the party is awkward, considering he has become a key figure in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian influence in the election.

Podesta is the brother of John Podesta, another person in Clinton’s inner circle, and the co-founder of the Podesta Group, a consulting firm that worked alongside Paul Manafort’s effort to lobby U.S. Congress’s support for Ukraine’s inclusion in the EU. Manafort was indicted Monday on tax evasion and conspiracy charges stemming from his lobbying efforts in 2012.  Read more

20 Comments on Hillary Clinton hung out with Tony Podesta this weekend

  1. “Podesta’s appearance at the party is awkward,“…
    Awkward for the cabal? No way. Business as usual for the slippery Clinton mafia. ‘What difference does the unearthing of more criminal activities make, now?’

    Clintons know where all skeletons lay and will continue to slip the bounds of deplorable low life law.

  2. I forgot to remind: Every escape has emboldened the princess of darkness. She cackles in the face of our hope for equal justice, under the law. Like an insidious ochre fog, the tentacles of progressive filth permeates the swamp and our nation.

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