Bannon-backed Republican Tom Tancredo jumps into Colorado governor’s race – IOTW Report

Bannon-backed Republican Tom Tancredo jumps into Colorado governor’s race

WaTimes: DENVER — Former GOPRep. Tom Tancredo jumped Tuesday into the crowded race for Colorado governor, the latest candidate aligned with former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon’s stable of challengers to the Republican establishment.

His announcement came after the Oct. 25 release of a Braynard Group poll showed Mr. Tancredo locked in a statistical tie with the top Democratic contender, Rep. Jared Polis, and leading the pack of GOP primary candidates.

“This morning I announced my candidacy for Colorado Governor!” Mr. Tancredo said Tuesday on Facebook.

Mr. Tancredo, known for his tough stances on immigration and border security, throws a wild card into an already packed Republican primary race that includes Mr. Stapleton, Arapahoe County District Attorney George Brauchler, former state Rep. Victor Mitchell and businessman Doug Robinson, a nephew of Mitt Romney.    MORE

7 Comments on Bannon-backed Republican Tom Tancredo jumps into Colorado governor’s race

  1. Tancredo or Brauchler could possibly hold off the demise of Colorado for a few years….The front range of Colorado, plus Aspen and Vail, is so infected by Californians, the pacific northwest and the east coast that I’m afraid it’s gone forever….

  2. Mr. Tancredo ran for governor in 2010 as an American Constitution Party candidate after Republicans nominated a little-known tea party figure.

    Dan Maes of the TEA Party won the nomination fair, square, and honestly. He won statewide at the precinct caucuses. He won the State Republican Convention convincingly. And he won the State Primary election and the nomination.

    The GOPe in Colorado cut a deal with the Constitution Party. They promised to pay for their state campaigns, and guarantee them 5% of the vote and thus major party status so that their candidates would not have to all petition on the ballot every time. The Constitution Party took the deal, dumped their already nominated candidate, nominated Tancredo, the GOPe helped petition him onto the ballot, and funded their campaigns. They also actively campaigned for Tancredo to deliberately give the governorship to the Democrats rather than the duly nominated Republican candidate because he was TEA Party.

    They refused to fund or help the TEA Party candidate for Governor, and also the now Congressman Ken Buck in his 2010 Senate campaign because he was TEA Party from the start of the TEA Party. The GOPe claimed in 2010 that the Party had no responsibility to help its nominated candidates and was only there to run the nomination process.

    Tancredo knew this from the beginning, supported giving the governorship to the Democrats, and re-registered as a Republican the day after the election and has sat at the right hand of the GOPe in Colorado ever since.

    The reason he lost to Beauprez [the GOPe fallback] is because the TEA Party and Conservatives will not support someone who stabs us in the back. We still won’t. We have had a Democrat governor since 2010 because of Tancredo, and if he runs, we will have one still. When he attended our County TEA Party meeting when he ran in 2014 [he kind of had to, because we controlled/control the County Republican Central Committee and precinct chairs] he was allowed to speak his piece, but like everyone has to stand and deliver for questions. He tried to blow smoke up our a**, and ended up leaving hurriedly after being boo-ed.

    If he is Bannon’s choice, Bannon left the pooch walking bowlegged.

    Subotai Bahadur

  3. Actually Subotai, I remember it a little differently.

    Dan Maes was used by the uni-party establishment as a splitter candidate to ensure that Hickenlooper would win. Tancredo is certainly not perfect, but at least he is an honest to goodness conservative.

    Notice that Maes hasn’t been heard from since that election, while Tancredo continues to speak out for conservatism.

    “…because we controlled/control the County Republican Central Committee and precinct chairs]…” Probably not as much as your think. Remember when the real GOPe elitist in Colorado changed the primary rules at the last minute in 2016 so we couldn’t even vote for a republican candidate! They did this because they were terrified that Trump would win, and the swamp will do anything to avoid being drained.

    You may be confused about who the real enemy is…

    If Tancredo runs, he will unquestionably be the only real conservative, non uni-party candidate in the race!

    There are many very good reasons Tancredo leads the republican field at this point, principally the fact that his opponents are all bought and paid for, establishment drones loyal to the globalist agenda.

    I for one love the fact that Tom Tancredo scares the hell out of the leftist, progressives and the uni-party establishment.

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