Is Mueller running scared? – IOTW Report

Is Mueller running scared?

American Thinker:

Monday was quite the news day.  Mueller indicted Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, a Manafort business partner, and George Papadopoulos.  The latter two men are completely unknown to most Americans, very minor characters in this bit of political theater, akin to the fairy servants of A Midsummer NIght’s Dream.  After nearly a year, this is Mueller’s big play?  The results of a multi-millions dollar “investigation” (witch hunt)?  Sixteen hardcore Democrat lawyers on his staff and this is it?  A big nothing that is essentially, as Andrew McCarthy wrote yesterday,  “…not much there, a boon to Trump.”

This is most likely just an overture. Mueller and his gang of lefty thug lawyers play hardball and will use every trick in their bag to get these men to betray others.  But what if there is nothing to betray?  What if the only crooks are among the Democrat left?

It seems like Mueller perhaps rushed his big splash onto the stage.  As of last Saturday, Manafort had no inkling he was about to be indicted. Papadopoulos had no heads up.  His lawyer was not even available to him yesterday morning.  This is unusual in federal non-violent crimes indictments.  Was Mueller perhaps feeling the heat from all that has been revealed about his part in the Uranium One scandal and pal Comey’s knowledge of the Clinton-commissioned “dossier”?

The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal has called for him to resign.  There have in fact been numerous calls for him to resign given his and Comey’s role in overseeing the Uranium One pay-to-play scheme.  Seems like he is feeling some heat.  As legal analysts (real ones, not CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin) have weighed in all day, these indictments are a big load of nothing, certainly nothing related to any alleged Trump/Russia collusion.  Clearly Mueller has found little or nothing on that score.    more here

11 Comments on Is Mueller running scared?

  1. Mueller can concoct whatever imaginary “crimes” he likes, and use his current charges to coerce his hostages into signing whatever false confessions he places in front of them.
    That’s how Show Trials work. See Stalin, Mao, and son many others.

    Shut Mueller’s inquisition down now, then charge Mueller with serious crimes re: Uranium One. It’s foolish for PDT to allow this dangerous Deep State game to continue.

  2. Why doesn’t Mule-Headed Mueller have to have some sort of public press conferences to explain his progress along the way?
    At this point, we have absolutely zero accounting of what’s been cleared, what remains to be checked, etc. etc.
    What a jerk. The whole cabal of Lefty lawyers are jerks. They need to go away.

  3. Why the fuck hasn’t the AG of the United States announced the start of his own investigation into the goings on between this scum bag, the Clinton scumbags, the Comey scumbag, and all the other scumbags with their fingers on the Uranium One pie, and that would be just for starters… Why hasn’t his boss, the President of the United States, demanded that he do exactly that!? Is it too much to ask that our “legal” system do it’s fucking job, just one time, and go after the already well known wrongdoers in all this? Good fucking grief!!!

  4. WTF, Mueller had Manafort under investigation for this same alleged crime for seven of the years that he was the head of the FBI (Federal Bungle Institute) and didn’t indict him!

  5. I think Mueller is following the Comey route:

    Comey exonerated Hillary, pissing off the right and verifying our suspicions. But he basically said she was guilty, which pissed off the left.

    Mueller Indicted Manafort, pissing off the right and verifying our suspicions. But he indicted him for penny-ante, no-collusion crap, which pissed off the left.

    Comey suddenly reopened the Clinton email case, pleasing the right, and royally pissing off the left.

    Mueller will leak that he’s planning to indict Tony Podesta, pleasing the right, and royally pissing off the left.

    Comey got a call and closed the Clinton case.

    Mueller will get a call and will announce the indictment of the Podesta Group’s receptionist.

    Comey gets fired by Trump.

    PDT is just biding his time.

  6. “But what if there is nothing to betray?”

    Then they’ll make some shit up – that’s what the FBI, CIA, and NSA do!
    The FBI Labs will manufacture “evidence,” the CIA will disseminate a lie, and the NSA will kill whoever talks out of turn.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Mueller is not ‘running scared’ … he’s deeply imbedded in The Swamp … he colluded & enabled the Obama regime to undermine the US & hasten Communist Globalization
    … & will face no retribution … he knows it, we know it … Congress will do nothing (Quisling Cowards) & DOJ will do nothing (other than allow this to slink away, back into the swamp)

    all they’re hoping for now is that this scandal not touch the demonRats, particularly the Obama regime, & by proxy SoS Clinton … & harm, in any way, PDT

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