Establishment Crumbling: Poll Shows Mitch McConnell, Senate Allies’ Approval Ratings in Free Fall – IOTW Report

Establishment Crumbling: Poll Shows Mitch McConnell, Senate Allies’ Approval Ratings in Free Fall

Breitbart: A Politico/Morning Consult poll released on Tuesday for the third quarter shows plunging approval ratings for most incumbent senators from both parties among all voters.

Republican establishment senators aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) see even more dramatic declines in their net approval ratings among likely Republican primary voters, as reported in “DATA DU JOUR – per Morning Consult,” by Politico Playbook:

The average senator’s approval ranking has dropped by eight net percentage points since the first quarter of 2017. … Among the 25 senators with the largest approval drops over this time period, 18 are Republicans and 7 are Democrats. … Susan Collins’ net approval among Maine Republicans dropped from +38% to -2% over the last quarter, a 40 point swing. Lisa Murkowski’s net approval among Alaska Republicans dropped from +33% to +2%, a 31 point swing.

Dean Heller’s net approval among Nevada Republicans dropped from +41% to +16%, a 25 point swing. McConnell is the least popular senator and growing increasingly unpopular: The Senate Majority Leader maintains his title as the least popular senator in America, with 33% of Kentucky voters approving and 55% disapproving. This represents a net 15% drop since Q2.

Among all voters, Republican establishment senators fared poorly as well.  MORE

13 Comments on Establishment Crumbling: Poll Shows Mitch McConnell, Senate Allies’ Approval Ratings in Free Fall

  1. The GOPe RINOs are on their way out.

    Thank you, Steve Bannon.

    The more the Maxine Waters/Schumer/Pelosi/Perez/Ellison cabal expose themselves, the more normal Democrats flee to Trump.

    2018 will be a tidal wave.

    Whatever’s left of the DNC afterwards will be the CPUSA.

  2. Here’s where we come in! If you know someone, in or out of official gov’t, who you think would make a stellar representative in the House or Senate, get involved with your local Trump supporters (they’re out there) and make your pitch. This is how locals get known to people like Bannon, et al. If you have a Trump-supporting rep in the Congress now, let them know you’ve got someone or know of someone they should connect with.

    We’re taking over now! The McConnells, McCains and Ryans of the world can’t do a thing about it.


    ✊America on the verge of Revolution.

    The system is so corrupt, I would not be the least bit surprised if there is another Steve Scalise incident. I prefer not.

    TIME TO SECEDE You can’t make a beautiful garden when the weeds keep taking over. You have to fight the good fight, or just let them have it and start over on fresh soil.

    1/2 the population is utterly and totally corrupt to the core, if not absolutely full-blown child-molesting Satanists or sympathizers, and Washington is 100% utterly and totally corrupt to the core.

    AMEXIT, is the next phase. America will be like every other conglomerate that has SPLIT because of size (Roman Empire) or ideology (India / Pakistan). The tremors have been rumbling for decades. But until blood is spilled, people won’t even start considering solutions.

  4. Good for Bannon. Find good candidates to challenge these rinos’s with, get them the resources to win the nomination battle. Hell, if Murkowski has tanked that much see if Palin would like to become the next Senator from Alaska. Murkowski may try the write-in cheat like she did to get in (after promising that if she lost the nomination she wouldn’t resort to a write in candidacy but went ahead and did) but I suspect this time she’d lose.

  5. @🔥 Half-Assed-Citizen 🔥 November 2, 2017 at 3:23 pm

    > But until blood is spilled, people won’t even start considering solutions.

    Blood has already been spilled. For a few generations, now. And, yet, the “good” people (whomever is defining that) soldier on.

    As they will, until the economy is crashed. Burned to ash. And blown into the sea. “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”

  6. C’mon people! Do any non-sheeple with half a brain really think any of the bozos in Congress gives rat’s patootie what ‘the little people’ express in approval polls? Wake up and smell the coffee!

  7. I doubt they care. They have filled their investment portfolio with bribes from foreign agents, which they have conveniently made legal to hide and not report the amount of cash they are taking under the table. A bad reputation is less painful when money is abundant.

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