WaPo Tears Apart Dem Talking Point That Tax Cuts Only Benefit Wealthy – IOTW Report

WaPo Tears Apart Dem Talking Point That Tax Cuts Only Benefit Wealthy

Daily Caller: The Washington Post soundly debunked the claim, made by numerous Democratic lawmakers, that the GOP tax reform bill will result in a tax increase for middle class households in a fact check published Thursday.

A number of prominent Democratic lawmakers have publicly claimed the tax reform bill, scheduled to be released Thursday, will result in an average tax increase of $794 for households making up to $86,100 annually. WaPo fact checkers traced the claim back to a report produced by Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee, that predicts that some 8 million households making less than 86,100 per year will see their taxes increased.

“If enacted, the Republican tax reform proposal would saddle 8 million households that earn up to $86,100 with an average tax increase of $794—a substantial expense for working families,” the report reads.  MORE


6 Comments on WaPo Tears Apart Dem Talking Point That Tax Cuts Only Benefit Wealthy

  1. with leaders like Schumer and Pelosi obstructionism is the only weapon they have left. Harry Reid change numerous senate rules to further Obozo’s programs and it’s biting them in the ass. Serves them right.

  2. None of these politicians [spit] will admit a tax cut doesn’t cost taxpayers ANYTHING. If they were taxing you $100 and started only taxing you $80, that’s a 20% tax cut. It didn’t COST you a cent, it let you keep more of what you already had.

    What DOES cost taxpayers more is cutting taxes but not cutting spending. As far as I know, there’s been little, if any, talk about bringing down government spending, and if it has been talked about, I very much doubt the politicians [spit] will actually do it..

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