Bernie wasn’t the only victim of the Clinton/DNC rigging – IOTW Report

Bernie wasn’t the only victim of the Clinton/DNC rigging

Patriot Retort:

John Podhoretz asks an interesting question over at the New York Post.

Did Hillary’s rigging at the DNC push Biden out of the race?

I have to admit, I wonder that same thing.

The DNC and the Clinton campaign were rigging the nomination. I think it’s impossible to conclude anything else.

But they weren’t just trying to undermine Bernie Sanders.

I think the fix was in even before Bernie announced his candidacy.

Frankly, the fact that only five Democrats chose to run for President in 2016 to me is a sign that the DNC had already decided to make Hillary Clinton their nominee.

And when you look at Hillary’s so-called “competition,” it’s clear they were never serious contenders.

Lincoln Chaffee?

Martin O’Malley?

Jim Webb?

Come on.

None of those three were Democrat Party luminaries.

In fact, the only other Democrat with the popularity and name-recognition to be a serious contender was Joe Biden.

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12 Comments on Bernie wasn’t the only victim of the Clinton/DNC rigging

  1. The Dems are head for a break up. With Tom Perez at the controls and purging Bernie backers and all the revelations of the party co-opting itself to Hillary, the Democrat Socialist are eventually going to split off or stop showing up at the polls.

  2. Obama picked Biden for VP partly because it was a safe bet that he wouldn’t run in 2016. A younger, more ambitious VP would have been a serious threat to Hillary’s inevitability, and Barky and Hillary had already negotiated the handover which was to occur in 2016. Biden understood his place in the plan, although when Hillary’s fatal flaws became apparent too late, I think they gave him a longer leash in a failed attempt to light a fire under Hillary’s ass.

  3. Of course he was coerced into not seeking the nomination. That weird announcement he made with Obama hovering next to him in the Rose Garden, saying he wasn’t going to seek the nomination was like a hostage statement.

  4. It doesn’t matter as whites are now doomed as part of the Minority-led Democrap Party. They will either be purged outright or left to rot at the bottom rungs of the new Mau Mau inspired plantation!

  5. If Biden was kneecapped I wish he’d grow a pair and come after the Clintons and the Obama’s with both barrells and spill his guts. Maybe he can help destroy the party and it stands now and reconstitute it into something of what it once was 60 years ago where everyone was welcome and all opinions were discussed not shouted down. Joe, if you keep your hands in your pockets you could be a hero.

  6. Biden was always as unelectable as Dukakis and Kerry.

    The fix has been in for Hilary since 2008, when Soros decided to switch hand puppets to Chicago Jesus. The Clinton Machine was promised the SofS slot with the guarantee of a smooth handoff to Hilary in 2016.

    She was supposed to run against !Jeb! or some other low-energy RINO who would take the Romney dive then concede cheerfully at 7:01 pm election night.

    Biden was never even on the post-2016 radar.

  7. @Anon


    He read the speech prepared for him accepting the nomination as the Democratic nominee for president when he withdrew from running. It was probably the best thing he could do without getting a bullet in the cranium.

  8. Her main competition was Biden and Kerry.

    I know. Stop laughing.

    Both of them abandoned the Clintons for Obama in 2008 and they never forgot or forgave – which should really be the title of her book. Kerry still thinks he’s running in 2020 too. Got a new facelift and everything.

    And after he worked so hard on the Paris Climate not-a-treaty but really a treaty you can never rescind, letting Russia monitor Syria’s chemical weapons, letting Russia monitor Iran’s nuclear program deal. Why, the only reason you don’t like this guy is because *you* work for the Russians. *sniff*

  9. And Hillary still had to cheat to win states like Kentucky and use super delegates to crush an ancient bag of bones socialist ranting about 23 different deodorants resulting in child hunger or some such drivel.

  10. It’s all beginning to make sense now, why these other Dem candidates for Prez seemed so out of place to me, as though they were mere props. Because they were. Biden not running is all part of this. He served next to Obama. There’s no way he/they didn’t know. They’re part of the Machine.

  11. Just like every minority-run hell-hole in America: the white liberals get in power, bring in more minorities and buy votes with social services, minorities increase and vote for brown liberals instead of white liberals, then the white liberals run for their lives to set up shop somewhere all over again.

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