NoKo Pitches A Fit As Sanctions Start To Take Their Toll – IOTW Report

NoKo Pitches A Fit As Sanctions Start To Take Their Toll

Daily Caller:

North Korea appears to be panicking as the international community tightens the noose with tough, crippling sanctions.

“The U.S.-led racket of brutal sanctions and pressure against the DPRK constitutes contemporary human rights violation and genocide,” the North Korean mission to the United Nations in Geneva said in a statement, according to Reuters.

Sanctions “threaten and impede the enjoyment by the people of the DPRK of their human rights in all sectors,” the North Korean mission argued. “All types of anti-human rights and inhumane sanctions against the DPRK should be terminated immediately and thoroughly.”

In response to North Korea’s tests of an intercontinental ballistic missile, the firing of missiles over Japan into the Pacific, and a testof a suspected staged thermonuclear device, the United Nations has imposed the toughest sanctions ever on the North, crippling both exports and imports. The U.S. has also imposed unilateral sanctions on the regime, increasing the pressure.

Much to Pyongyang’s dismay, China has also taken steps to punish North Korea for its reckless behavior, cutting mineral imports, restricting fuel exports, ordering financial institutions to sever ties, forcing laborers out, and closing down North Korean businesses. There is still more that China can do to exert pressure on the regime, but the steps that have been taken thus far are definitely steps in the right direction.

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18 Comments on NoKo Pitches A Fit As Sanctions Start To Take Their Toll

  1. Right about now, one of the senior military guys has been contacted by the Chinese and advised about the survival potential of his granddaughters if the US comes to town. Coup time is coming

  2. Must be a real eye-opener to the over-stuffed turd that has his own people scared to death of his power.
    How refreshing it would be if only the fat turd could be subjected to his own rule.

  3. Nasty choices: either a Coup, or massive deaths and obliteration of Seoul, or multiple nukes in US cities, with or without any additional EMP/s.

    Beijing is about the same flight time as Japan.
    Xi’s bunker must be luxurious. And deep.

  4. They should turn off the electricity to the country. Oh they already did.
    Since the mid-1990s, when fuel stopped flowing from the defunct Soviet Union to North Korea, the famously hermetic country has descended into darkness.


    The only “PLUG” preventing tourists from flowing through the peninsula to and from Japan / South Korea, to all areas North of North Korea, and vice-versa….

    …AND trade flowing back and forth, AND construction efforts that will rage on for 60+ years in the future fixing roads and infrastructure using Chinese and Russian labor, like S. Korea does now…

    Is North Korea. Is one man worth holding up trillion in progress? What a bunch of bullshit. Get rid of him and let the money flow.

  6. Vietvet, I didn’t ask his waist size.

    We’ve been tossing B-1s over there like cany. You oughta here them things coming in for a landing, I’m on the return line glide slope.

    Pretty sure he’ll fire off something while the President is in Asia just to make a stupid statement again.

  7. @reboot: You probably don’t have to worry much about him. I doubt if his nuclear missiles are dependable enough to hit Japan, much less Guam. And if he pops one off at us, he’s toast. He knows it, and the Chinese know it.

    I would be surprised if the NoKo military aren’t making plans for how to handle things if something unfortunate happens to the “great successor”.



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