German University Creates Religious Conduct Code Because Muslim Students Pray Too Loudly, Flood Bathrooms – IOTW Report

German University Creates Religious Conduct Code Because Muslim Students Pray Too Loudly, Flood Bathrooms

Daily Caller: A moderately prestigious university in Germany has instituted a religious code of conduct in response to complaints about Muslim students praying noisily in the library and flooding campus bathrooms with water as they ritually cleanse their feet.

The University of Hamburg is the site of the new set of religion-related rules, reports Times Higher Education, a London-based education news website.

The 42,890-student university is the first in Germany to institute such a code.

The University of Hamburg’s executive board determined that the religious code of conduct is necessary after receiving numerous complaints.

In addition to the bathroom flooding and the loud library praying, people described as “external Salafists” have demanded that female Muslim students wear veils on campus, according to school president Dieter Lenzen.

“To date, there have been no complaints about Buddhist students, just a few about Christian students, but a great many about Muslim students,” Lenzen also said, according to Times Higher Education.

Muslim students have been “disturbing university life,” Lenzen said.  read more here

6 Comments on German University Creates Religious Conduct Code Because Muslim Students Pray Too Loudly, Flood Bathrooms

  1. This is the point when one should realize your culture is doomed.

    The muzzles flooding your collage campus bathroom’s today are going to be your overlords in a matter of years.

    This is the price you pay when you have to import a population you could not be bothered to give birth to and raise yourself.

  2. Our local university has a few bathrooms that were so vile, the staff had to put signs on the doors basically saying, “STOP GIVING GAY BLOW JOBS IN THE MEN’S ROOM!”

    They removed the toilet doors, and had people monitoring it. Good lord, can’t you even wait until class is over and do it at home?

  3. I have never been in a bathroom type environment where a Muslim was screaming Prayers , I don’t think I’d put up with it. I would most likely tell them to shut up and save it for home but not ever around me.
    I consider it offensive to subjugate others to Evil Prayer A.K.A Devil worship or Satanism !!!

  4. The obvious Merkel-type response is to ban the reporting of this by the press and introduce penalties for reporting any problems by the aggrieved original Germans. Sorted. Congratulations Germany, you decided to exchange your Jews for many more Muslims; enjoy your subjugation.

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