The Democrats’ brand is imploding – IOTW Report

The Democrats’ brand is imploding

American Thinker: Just about all the associations the Democrats counted on to burnish their appeal to the public are in the process of discrediting themselves.  The theory of branding tells us that associating one brand with another desirable brand helps the former take on some of the luster.  That’s why you see so many product endorsements, for instance.

For decades, we have seen images of prominent Dems and Hollywood icons together – so much so that the brands are somewhat intertwined, meaning people feel sort of the same way about one as about the other.  Somewhat glamorous, or at least familiar.  People we enjoy.  Sometimes, even people we admire or even trust.

So when one falls out of favor, the other tends to follow.  That’s why scandals lead to cancelation of endorsements.

Hollywood is only the first citadel of evangelical liberalism, eager to mingle its brand with the Democrats so as to bring about political recruits.  The #MeToo ethic of speaking out is spreading, and the details get gorier.

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12 Comments on The Democrats’ brand is imploding

  1. I’m not sure this will change voters minds much, after all over a hundred years of malfeasance in every single country that has tried Communism has failed to completely discredit this ideology forever. It’s always excused by, “That’s wasn’t Communism”, or “It wasn’t Communism done right” and an implied, “If I was in charge, Communism would work.”

    Likewise, nothing the Democrat party does, or its politicians do, or the Democratic key supporters do will make any significant difference to voting patterns. As long as the welfare check arrives on time and the EBT card continues to work the Democrat voters will remain faithfully voting Democrat. After all, who are they going to vote for, Republicans?

  2. DNC – Demonrat-Nazi Coalition.

    The brand has been putridly corrupt since the accession of Wilson.
    Because of the concomitant corruption of the “Press” America remained mostly ignorant of the facts. It was only after they threw off the veil and started destroying America openly (and aggressively) by Carter, Clinton, and ultimately, Obola that America finally began to awaken. Sorta like being unaware that your ship is sinking until your chest gets wet and cold.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The entire federal shitstem is autodelegitimizing. When the dollar no longer even purchases 13 cents worth of goods, we will violently reassert the 10th Amendment to restabilize federalism against the corrupt statists and FSA.

    It’s a hot mess.

  4. @Watcher November 5, 2017 at 5:51 am

    You left out the millions and millions and millions who want, exactly, what the Democrats have on offer. There are millions and millions of “special” people who think that if they just “explain it”, a different way, a right way, a-gain, that people who want what the Democrats have on offer are going to change their minds and vote for what they do not, never have, and never will, want. No I’m not going to explain, in different ways, how such thinkers are “special”.

  5. I like Lifson’s writing, but it seems there should have been a “page two”. On page two would be an explanation of how the RINOs of the other half of the Uniparty are going down with that brand for having never confronted the crimes of Hollywood and the Democrats, and to have actually consorted with both entities themselves or directly enabled them in their exploits. This is a bigger story; one about the corruption of power and the corrosive effects of money on the halls of gov’t.


    💠 Homosexuality
    💠 Pedophilia
    💠 Sexual harassment
    💠 Communism
    💠 Fascism
    ◾ Politically Correct thought police
    ◾ Violent street protesters
    💠 Anti-White racism
    💠 Murdering the innocent
    💠 Mismanagement of cities
    💠 Anti-Military
    💠 Black supremacy
    💠 Constitution-hating
    💠 Open borders / Pro-ISIS
    💠 High taxes
    💠 Opposition harassment
    💠 Shooting Congressmen
    💠 Satanism
    💠 Anti-Christianism
    💠 Anarchists
    💠 Tranny-Everything!
    💠 Dishonest media
    💠 Trump-bashing everywhere

    I mean, really…’s difficult to market a raging dumpster fire.

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