UPDATE: Texas church shooter was a married 26-year-old who was court martialed and dishonorably discharged from the US Air Force – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Texas church shooter was a married 26-year-old who was court martialed and dishonorably discharged from the US Air Force

UPDATE: Antifa related shooting?

Conservative Treehouse: Confirmed ID, Unconfirmed Motive – Unconfirmed Reports are beginning to circulate that the shooter is an Antifa member, Devin Patrick Kelly (26), with military experience, acting out on behalf of the previously promoted November 4th Resistance via Antifa.  FACTS From Texas LEO and FBI Press Conference:  ARTICLE

h/t RWF.

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‘A local resident grabbed his rifle and engaged that suspect’

Today’s mass shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, was only halted after an armed Texan “engaged” the killer and put an end to the rampage, the Texas Rangers reported.

Freeman Martin, a major in the Texas Rangers and a spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety, says the suspect dropped his rifle and fled after being confronted by a local man who had grabbed his rifle.

Freeman provided a timeline of the tragedy in a press briefing Sunday evening.  MORE



DM: The mass shooter who opened fire inside a Texas church killing at least 27 – including a two-year-old child – has been identified as a 26-year-old US Air Force veteran and Bible study teacher.

Devin Patrick Kelley walked into the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, dressed in full combat gear, and began shooting, according to local law enforcement sources.

Kelley, 26, of New Braunfels, a suburb of San Antonio, was killed after a brief foot chase into Guadalupe County, according Guadalupe County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Robert Murphy. But it’s still unclear if the gunman shot himself or was taken down by authorities.

San Antonio police raided Kelley’s home on Sunday evening, with K9 and bomb squad units.

Kelley, who was reportedly married, had recently posted a photo of an AR-15 style gun on his Facebook page with the caption: ‘She’s a bad b***h.’

A LinkedIn account which appears to be Kelley’s states that he joined the US Air Force after graduating New Braunfels High School in 2009. He worked in logistics and supply in the Air Force until he was dishonorably discharged in 2014 and was even court martialed in May 2014, CBS News reported.

He then volunteered as a teacher for Bible studies at Kingsville First Baptist Church.



60 Comments on UPDATE: Texas church shooter was a married 26-year-old who was court martialed and dishonorably discharged from the US Air Force

  1. Presser had a guy who said that a noncongregant of the Church heard the shooting, grabbed his rifle and took the shooter out. If that’s true you will never hear about it again.

  2. @MJA ~ they reported it was a Ruger AR …. don’t know about the AF’s inventory, but I never heard they had those …. could be, though … anything’s possible these days

  3. Devin Patrick Kelley, the alleged shooter in today’s massacre in Texas, was dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Air Force. A dishonorable discharge from the military is the same thing as a felony conviction from the perspective of gun ownership – it is illegal for anyone dishonorably discharged to own a gun.

    However he obtained them, Kelley owned and possessed guns illegally at the time of his massacre.

  4. ‘multiple weapons’ … just like the ‘multiple weapons’ at Vegas …. BBrad might be right … ‘Fast & Furious’ sideways
    (notice how the spokes-weasel was a BATF agent?)

  5. Hey you journalist impersonators: Ask these fucking questions before filing a report: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?
    Ya pucken assholes. I’m tired, tired, tired, tired of this shit!

  6. Jeff Sessions & the DOJ need to look in to this ….


    wheeze … gasp …tears …… sometimes I crack myself up!

  7. When the Dems scream “there must be a law…” there is, the Dishonorable Discharge bans firearm possession. If he was bragging about his rifle on FB he didn’t keep his gun possession secret. So—the warning signs were there, laws were broken, and nobody took the time to report him.

  8. We’re several seasons into this Deep State theater show. This stuff is not just happening by accident or chance. As Rush always says, they’re being ginned up with events just such as this as the goal.

    Not conspiratorial. Convinced.

  9. good tracking MJA (& RWF)
    another observations … is it just me (or the way the gun’s placed, or the background), or is that gun skewed? …. twisted somehow? …. lol

  10. God rest those souls and be with the families and friends through their suffering.

    And I hope Kelley is brought to a healthy brain and given empathy so that he can suffer the pain of what he did until God is ready to deal with him.

  11. Wolves Among the Sheep –
    We need to give this book to our pastors and to any other pastors that you know. Purchase the book and give it to them or someone on your parish council who is security minded. This man knows his stuff. He IS a pastor.

    DH carries even in church. I will be as soon as I can find right carry method for me. I would obviously prefer if the ushers and others were trained to spot trouble before it walked in the door.

    The way it is, we sit in the back of church, way to the side, so we can spot trouble if it enters, and take care of business if need be.

    Website where you can purchase books in case Amazon is out of them.

    Amazon website:

  12. **ARMED CITIZEN ‘ENGAGED’ KILLER, ENDING RAMPAGE** <- I demand that Jeff Sessions order that this murderer be arrested and tried in a court of law presided by an Obama appointed judge immediately….. After he is judged in the liberal MSM (of course)

  13. Too many LEO/pro Obama types still on the job? Are they searching for virtually anything to take down a Republican instead of surfing the net looking for nut jobs like this who are dropping clues? Willing to bet he dropped a few hints and people were afraid to report him. Or, they figured “what good would it do?”

  14. I know of many Churches around here with signs encouraging concealed carry.
    You shouldn’t need a gun in Church to defend yourself, but there are too many insane, evil, leftists, commies and/or muslims running around.

    If this guy passed a background check then that shows the government has no business deciding who is eligible to purchase a gun. If he bought his gun from an individual then they’ll scream some more about nobody should be able to transfer a gun. Not that would stop it because there are always those who will sell you whatever through the black market. The decades long war on drugs should show anyone with half a brain that.
    A person wanting to murder innocent people is not real concerned with breaking the law.

    That aside, I read the SOB killed a 2 year old baby, he needs to be brought back to life and killed again slowly. I hope he enjoys burning in hell for eternity.

  15. It is almost impossible to get a dishonorable discharge from the Air Force therefore, Kelly must have done something outragiously bad to get one. If he were deemed mentally unfit or unstable he would have been given a medical discharge so he must have committed a very serious infraction under the UCMJ short of being sent to Levonworth …..we need answers.

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