Donna Brazile: For Those Who Are Telling Me to Shut Up, I Tell Them ‘Go to Hell’ – IOTW Report

Donna Brazile: For Those Who Are Telling Me to Shut Up, I Tell Them ‘Go to Hell’

Breitbart Video: Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” former Democratic National Committee interim chairwoman Donna Brazile  discussed the controversy created by her upcoming book “Hacks” and said to those who are telling her to shut up should “go to hell.”

(AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


Brazile said, “For those who are telling me to shut up, they told Hillary that a couple months ago. You know what I tell them? Go to hell. I’m going to tell my story.”

She added, “I’m not on the payroll, George. I care about my country. I care about out democracy. And I say go to hell, because why am I supposed to be the only person that is unable to tell my story?”

Critics of the book are unhappy about revelations that in August 2015, Hillary Clinton signed an agreement to control the party’s finances and strategy before the 2016 Democratic primary was decided by the voters.  Video

27 Comments on Donna Brazile: For Those Who Are Telling Me to Shut Up, I Tell Them ‘Go to Hell’

  1. Donna needs to go ahead make some insurance statements about how she has no intention of killing herself or falling down any elevator shafts in the near future. Clean bill of health too in case she suddenly collapses from a heart attack after drinking alone or any mugging that goes bad.

    The Dems don’t like it when their slaves start getting mouthy or start wandering to far from the plantation.

  2. Bernie is a fraud. He’s a public socialist and a private epicurean.

    We must seize the means of production! Now excuse me while I hop in my $120k Audi R8 to think about the the unceasing tide of the revolution at my 2nd beach house.

  3. MJA,

    I love it. I’m in America! I got here in Cody on October 10th at 7:43 am (the actual time to the minute that I was born in 1963).

    In the span of 4 hours on the 11th I got my new apartment, my new Credit Union account, my address changed, my Wyoming temporary drivers license, my car insurance, and my Wyoming license plates IN MY HANDS.

    4 hours from start to finish.

    In California it would have taken 4 weeks or more.

    Yeah, it’s cold. 15 degrees in the a.m. today. Been snowing lightly, but steadily for the past 3 days,but everyone packs heat so I’m toasty warm all the time ;).

    I’m working, and living in a beautiful part of the country and the pace is much slower.

    It’s heaven to me. I just wish my family was here.

  4. The title of her book “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-Ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House” bothers me. Does she think that Bernie would have chance to win against Trump?

  5. Brazile is bat crap crazy. She’ll end up in a straitjacket before the Clintons can get to her. She had the nerve to say, she just buried a child, Sean Rich – a guy “silenced” by the Clintons. What!!! That’s plantation mammy talk. She doesn’t have any children. Also, she still thinks the DNC really needs her. Yeah. Right.

  6. I don’t have any respect for Brazile however as long as she keep revealing inside info about Clinton that weakens her so that the next AG can take her and her husband down them more power to her.

  7. Brazile’s book reveals the Clintons’ total power hungry MO. The irony of it all — If they had only left well enough alone — let Bernie, O’Malley, etc. enter the campaign trail. They would win/lose fair and square in a handful of states… that handful of states would not be able to stop Hillary’s path to the nomination.

    Yet the Clintons MUST steamroll over everything…. power-grab, micro-manage, and money-launder to their Foundation. If Hillary had done none of those things, she still would have gotten the nomination. The Karma of it all…

  8. I believe it’s all true, but if Brazille was being noble, she would have reported all this information before the election. Now it’s just sour grapes and some kind of revenge move.

  9. The media has been telling us how Mueller is going to put the screws to Manafort, Papadap et al, and they’re going to squeal on PDT. So why is it that the only actual squealers out there are squealing on Hillary?

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