Alec Baldwin Opens His Yap For Some Victim-Blaming – IOTW Report

Alec Baldwin Opens His Yap For Some Victim-Blaming

Big Hollywood: Late last week, in an apparent attempt to inoculate himself from the nuclear Harvey Weinstein scandal, Saturday Night Live’sAlec Baldwin admitted he has “bullied women.” Baldwin seemed all-too eager to prove himself correct Saturday by victim-blaming Rose McGowan and then lashing out at alleged-Weinstein rape victim Asia Argento.

During a Friday appearance on PBS, Baldwin dropped the bombshell that for decades he had heard rumors about McGowan being raped by Weinstein, that he heard these rumors “over and over … for decades and nothing was done.”

At this point the PBS interviewer says somewhat accusingly, “and nobody said anything.” Baldwin then explained why he said nothing by blaming McGowan for taking a settlement in 1997, instead of going to the authorities. Then Baldwin admits he did not know until now that she had taken the settlement:

What happened was that Rose McGowan took a payment of $100,000 and settled her case with him, and it was for Rose McGowan to prosecute that case … I had no idea, until now, that she had settled the case … Do the settlement of these cases hurt the cause of exposing and bringing us to a place of real change? When women take money and are silenced by that money, even though they took the money and were silenced because they were told, beyond the money, it was the right thing for them to do — keep quiet, don’t make too many waves, it is going to hurt your career. When they do it, nonetheless, does it set back the cause of change?

Baldwin’s logic here is off-the-charts nuts.


To begin with, let us never forget the 1990s, and how women were treated by the national media if they dared accuse a powerful Democrat, a close friend of the Clintons (as Weinstein was), of anything.

With the ruthless help of the national political media, most especially CNN, woman after woman after Kathleen Willey after Juanita Broaddrick after Paula Jones after Monica Lewinsky, were personally destroyed by Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Secondly, McGowan was just 23 years old.

Imagine, through no fault of your own, being thrust into the black heart of a well-oiled Hollywood Payoff Machine when you are just 23. Here is just the tip of an iceberg McGowan was witnessing in the national media during that dark time…

ABC’s Sam Donaldson demeaning Clinton mistress Gennifer Flowers as “some failed cabaret singer who doesn’t even have much of a resume to fall back on.”

Newsweek’s Evan Thomas on a DC talk show smearing Paula Jones as “some sleazy woman with big hair coming out of the trailer parks.”

CNN favorite James Carville grabbing the Newsweek baton with, “Drag a hundred dollars through a trailer park and there’s no telling what you’ll find.”  read more


13 Comments on Alec Baldwin Opens His Yap For Some Victim-Blaming

  1. So, that’s why Anthony Bourbon, I mean, Bourdain, is feuding with him or his wife on Twitter?
    I don’t follow either of them, but Boudoir’s tweet appeared on my timeline and I retweeted, so I can see where it goes.

  2. Baldwin is a POS, I’d sic my dog on him but unfortunately my dog is a democrat. He relies on me for his food, water, protection from the elements and health care.
    Next time ‘round I’m gonna get a republican dog.

  3. It was good of Baldwin to admit he’s a bully of women. Kind of came up short when he neglected to mention one of the woman was his daughter. He’s such a waste of skin and I suspect that mouth of his is going to get him either in the hospital or behind bars one of these days.

  4. Always wanted the opportunity to punch out that fuck stick.
    Maybe pay him to get in the ring with me, like it’s a joke and then beat him senseless.
    I’m older than he is but I could do it. I’m positive.
    Such a pure schmuck.

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