Bannon Warns Ryan and McConnell: If There Is Amnesty, They’re Going to Get Blown Out – IOTW Report

Bannon Warns Ryan and McConnell: If There Is Amnesty, They’re Going to Get Blown Out

BigGovernment: The Republican establishment will “get blown out” if a plan is passed through the House and Senate that would give millions of illegal aliens in the United States permanent amnesty and thus a pathway to U.S. citizenship, Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon says.

During a speech to American families of illegal alien crime victims, organized as The Remembrance Project, Bannon slammed efforts by House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to slip an amnesty for nearly 800,000 illegal aliens covered by the Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program into an end-of-the-year spending bill.

Bannon said sarcastically:

But Mitch McConnell is on TV today and Paul Ryan was talking about it yesterday, they were over at the White House before the President left, I think it was Thursday, Senator Cotton and Perdue and some of the other senators are really focused on doing something on legal immigration. They were over there, and guess what they’re talking about: DACA. Excuse me, they’re talking about amnesty. They’re talking about amnesty and how they slip it into a spending bill and then Mitch McConnell’s on MSNBC today, a real platform for the Right. When’s he going to come on Breitbart?

“He’s on MSNBC and he’s saying ‘Oh yeah, we’re just going to attach DACA amnesty, you know the Democrats want it, the Republican establishment you know, we don’t have a problem with that,’” Bannon said. “Okay, well he may not have a problem with it, but I think ya’ll have a problem with it.”  read more

7 Comments on Bannon Warns Ryan and McConnell: If There Is Amnesty, They’re Going to Get Blown Out

  1. If I was hitching my wagon to either ryan or mcconnell I’d be paying attention to what Bannon is saying. But then, if I was hitching my wagon to either of them, I already would not be paying attention to Bannon

  2. Good for Bannon. It’s time there was an asskicker out there that was going to drag the GOP kicking and screaming away from the DC/liberal cocktail parties and back to the basics of democracy, capitalism and personal responsibility. Find the right candidates who are actual believers, vet them and give them what they need to take the nomination and then let the people decide.

  3. “senators are really focused on doing something on legal immigration”

    notice the word “legal”.

    let’s focus on illegal immigration and kick them out for the legal people.


    we already have enough laws on immigration it’s time to start following some of those first.

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