Hillary’s Campaign Accuses Donna Brazile Of Spreading ‘False Russian-Fueled Propaganda’ – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Campaign Accuses Donna Brazile Of Spreading ‘False Russian-Fueled Propaganda’

Daily Caller: Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign responded to former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Donna Brazile’s criticisms of the Clinton campaign, including the charge the campaign essentially rigged the 2016 primaries.

“It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health,” reads a letter published online Saturday that was signed by former Clinton campaign officials, including Huma Abedin, Robby Mook, Jennifer Palmieri and John Podesta.

Brazile wrote an op-ed Thursday for Politico, claiming the DNC entered into an agreement that gave the Clinton campaign de facto control of the Democratic Party during the presidential primaries. Brazile also criticized former President Barack Obama for leaving the DNC buried in debt.

“Donna came in to take over the DNC at a very difficult time,” the signatories write.

“We were grateful to her for doing so. She is a longtime friend and colleague of many of us and has been an important leader in our party. But we do not recognize the campaign she portrays in the book,” the signatories, including Democratic strategist Jesse Ferguson, wrote in the open letter on Medium.

Brazile revealed in a 288-page memoir that she considered replacing Clinton with then-Vice President Joe Biden or New Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey after cameras caught Clinton fainting. Clinton was forced to reveal she had been diagnosed with pneumonia.

“We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees,” wrote Ferguson, a former Clinton campaign spokesperson.  read more

18 Comments on Hillary’s Campaign Accuses Donna Brazile Of Spreading ‘False Russian-Fueled Propaganda’

  1. Hilary better not bad mouth her directly.
    That Brazile woman looks like she is not above landing some haymakers
    This is all about that disastrous debate where after, Hillary dressed everybody down including Ms. Brazile. I remember something about Hilary shouting at her and the term ‘Buffalo’ was used.
    This is like watching a slow motion train wreck.

  2. Somewhere Niccolo Machiavelli is laughing his Renaissance arse off.

    Rommel, you magnificent bastard, they didn’t read your book!

    The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

  3. Rumors about Killary’s health? LMAO. What rumors? We have EVIDENCE of her falling, passing out, injuries, chronic coughing, and her needing constant assitance to get around.

    Rumors would be that she’s bisexual. Even though she most likely is, we don’t have evidence, yet.

  4. Poor Lazlo – LMAO I forgot about the Buffalo insult.
    Wouldn’t it be awesome if the next reporter she talks to asks her about that?

    “Donna, does this have anything to do with Mrs. Clinton allegedly calling you a buffalo…?”
    I hope the Clinton mafia keeps messing with her. The next printing of her book will have added chapters. 😀

  5. Why does Hillary still have a “Presidential Campaign”? There’s not a chance in hell of her ever being active in politics yet she maintains this political framework as if 2016 never happened. How many strokes has this person suffered. On another subject, I’d sure like to see Brazile and Clinton really go at each other. Clinton has dwindling allies while Brazile would have the support of the Bernie left of the party until Clinton was destroyed. If Clinton gets punished enough the rest of her support will leave and an honest AG could finally investigate and likely prefer criminal charges.

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