Senator Rand Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs after attack – IOTW Report

Senator Rand Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs after attack

Before we get to the article, here are reviews from the clients of the man who ‘allegedly’ assaulted Senator Rand Paul.
Seems like Dr. Boucher is a bit of a ‘Hot Head’.

h/t David.

And now, to the article—

FOX: Rand Paul was recovering Sunday from five broken ribs, including three displaced fractures, after he was assaulted by a neighbor who tackled him from behind at the senator’s Kentucky home, officials said.

Senior Adviser Doug Stafford said it is unclear when the Republican senator will return to work since he is in “considerable pain” and has difficulty getting around, including flying. Stafford said this type of injury is marked by severe pain that can last for weeks to months.

“This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force,” Stafford said a statement to Fox News.

The Bowling Green Daily News reported that an arrest warrant said Paul told police his neighbor came on his property and tackled him from behind Friday, forcing him to the ground, all while the senator had been mowing his lawn. He had trouble breathing because of the rib injury, the warrant said.

A Warren County official did not immediately respond to a request from The Associated Press for a copy of the arrest warrant.

Police arrested 59-year-old Rene Boucher on Saturday and charged him with misdemeanor fourth-degree assault with a minor injury. Boucher lives next door to Paul and his wife, according to Warren County property records.

Boucher was released from jail Saturday on a $7,500 bond. He has a court date scheduled for Thursday. Boucher did not return a phone call from The Associated Press seeking comment. It is unclear if he has an attorney.

“Displaced rib fractures can lead to life-threatening injuries such as: hemopneumothorax, pneumothorax, pneumonia, internal bleeding, laceration of internal organs and lung contusions.  Senator Paul does have lung contusions currently,” Stafford explained.  more here

19 Comments on Senator Rand Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs after attack

  1. Well that clears that up. He either has five broken ribs, or he doesn’t. He’s either in great pain or he isn’t. And they walk their little doggies together. Fugetaboutit!

  2. The leftists really pushing for all out Civil War. Like grand visions of Utopia that they think are just barely out of reach, they think they can win such a war. In both cases they are sadly mistaken.

  3. Well?

    Some old biddy was out clipping her hedges one morning, and tha cosntant “clip-clop-clip’ was driving me batshit, so I had the SS guys go over their and beat the shit outta her. She stopped pretty quick, I can tell ya!

    Its the noise.
    The fukkin NOISE!
    Ya can here the voices in the fukkin NOISE!

  4. I thought it was a federal crime to threaten a U.S. Senator, so how the hell is it just a state misdemeanor to beat the shit out of one?

    Paul needs to learn to carry a gun.

  5. WTF! It’s either serious or it’s not. More bullshit to lessen the credibility of all politicans.

    If this neighbor tackled ANYONE from behind without warning and caused those described injuries, he is a public threat. Why is this not taken seriously.

    Otherwise, it’s more fake news! Is there any integrity left on this hemisphere?!

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