Pelosi tries to block liberal push to oust Trump – IOTW Report

Pelosi tries to block liberal push to oust Trump

FOX: Nancy Pelosi is running away from impeachment.

And the fact that she’s doing so speaks volumes about where her party is in the Trump era.

Let’s start with the inconvenient fact—inconvenient for Democrats—that President Trump hasn’t committed anything close to an impeachable offense. Critics can skewer him over his policies and persona, or speculate about what the Russia investigation might find, but mostly they just wish that somehow he could be magically removed from the White House.

That, however, is not the view of much of the liberal base that can provide the energy and the money as Pelosi’s party pushes toward the 2018 campaign.

A smart piece in Politico says the House minority leader has privately criticized a $10-million ad campaign pushing impeachment by Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer:

“Pelosi is eager to show her party can govern — in contrast to the chaos surrounding Trump — and she believes that a reputation as the ‘no drama’ Democrats is key to taking back the House in 2018 and whisking her backing into the speaker’s chair.

“While not an official slogan, Pelosi has discussed the strategy broadly in recent leadership and caucus meetings, urging members to avoid talk of impeachment and resist taking Trump’s bait on whatever topic is dominating his Twitter feed that day.”

Yammering about impeachment might make her liberal supporters feel good, but if Pelosi she hopes to wield the speaker’s gavel again—a long shot–needs to win some seats in Republican districts. And that would require more moderate candidates, not those talking about evicting a duly elected Republican president after less than a year.  read more

12 Comments on Pelosi tries to block liberal push to oust Trump

  1. Pelosi knows that impeachment talk only shores up support for Trump, and that a serious impeachment push would set in motion uncontrollable forces with unimaginable consequences.

  2. Fox pulled $10m Steyer ad. Fail.
    Nov 4 National Antifa/Resist rallies. Fail.

    Ds will continue to run Resist/Impeach campaign for the duration of Trumps term(s).
    Rs will continue to find excuses for failure to pass meaningful legislation. Rand Paul- fractured ribs may cause prolonged absence from returning to DC. Please.

    OTOH if you need a refresher feel-good diversion, check out Netflix documentary “11/8/16”. Compilation of evenly split Trump/HRC supporters on Election Day (and 1 idiot McMullen supporter).
    You’ll experience the jubilant triumph of MAGA all over again in the midst of smug HRC supporters in a state of shock.

  3. Even through her dementia, Pelosi realizes the Dems are now playing with matches in a locked room full of aviation fuel.

    President Trump’s base wants the entire Clinton-Obama criminal cartel arrested and inprisoned for treason against the nation.
    That’s not rhetorical.
    If I awoke tonorrrow to find there had been mass arrrests during the night, including Obama and the Clintons, I’d cheer.

  4. impeachment isn’t just a “pipe” dream of the left, it’s also a squirrel to cover for the clinton obama uranium one scandal.

    mueller’s silence on charges against them along with session’s non action makes me think they can ride out the news cycle and let this all get swept under the rug and forgotten about.

  5. Pelosi sure doesn’t need any more negative publicity.

    She is already used as a punching bag to get Republicans elected. I’m sure she and other candidates do want to have to answer impeachment questions all campaign long.

  6. Tom Steyer is about a big a suckler at the government teat is as Egon Musk. Steyer made his fortune in companies that were self described as “green” and as a result got billions in grants, loans, tax breaks for customers and government business. It was free money until the companies started to fail but by that time Steyer and his fund had looted the cash and were gone to the next company. He was instrumental in plowing money into the demonstrations against the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the southern US where the refineries are becuase he knew this would make gas cheaper and make reliance on his “green” tech harder to justify. Trump is dumping all the incentives for green tech that doesn’t work and this could cost him a lot of dough but more importantly prestige and power. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.

  7. Engelburka x 2, Thanks for the Netflix “11/8/16” review. I passed up watching it because I figured it would be slamming Trump voters. I’ll now watch it and grin my face off!

  8. Claudia,
    I almost skipped it too, assuming it would be a HRC love fest. Surprisingly, it was well balanced & reflected Trump voters as ppl who clearly had more thoughtful reasons for voting Trump (particularly the cuban army vet from Miami). HC voters were excited & self-assured in their victory… until reality set in. The shock & anger was such a delight to behold!!!!


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