John McCain hospitalized for Achilles injury – IOTW Report

John McCain hospitalized for Achilles injury

– Reaction to cancer therapy.

FOX: Sen. John McCain was hospitalized over the weekend after he suffered a “minor tear” of his Achilles tendon and side effects from his cancer therapy, his office said in a statement.

“Senator McCain was treated at Walter Reed Medical Center over the weekend for a minor tear in his right Achilles tendon, as well as for other normal and non-life-threatening side effects of cancer therapy,” his office said in a statement on Monday.

“Senator McCain has returned to work in the Senate and will be wearing a walking boot until his injured tendon is fully healed,” it added.

McCain tweeted out a photo of him with a walking boot on and the caption: “I can’t tell you how much I hate wearing this boot!”  MORE

SNIP:  Not as much as we hate you.

48 Comments on John McCain hospitalized for Achilles injury

  1. In the words of the wise Obama – “Sometimes its better to get the painkiller than the surgery.” We shouldn’t waste resources keeping him alive, let nature take its course.

  2. “SNIP: Not as much as we hate you.” i’m sick today and that line raised my spirits considerably!! can’t he just disappear so we dont’t have to delay voting on everything!!??

  3. Satan grabbed at him and only caught him by the heel, ripping the Achilles tendon.

    Satan stated later: “He’s a wily old dog! A shape-shifter! But he can’t stay out of my clutches forever … we’ve got a deal.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Rubbing our noses in his health insurance legislation vote, huh? Goes to Walter Reed for a stretched tendon on our tax dollars and then whines about how much he hates his Cadillac health care while the rest of us put a bag of frozen peas on our boo-boos, lace our work boots up a little tighter and KBO (Keep Buggering On).

  5. The ‘squirrel’ prop to excuse the cane.

    I think they put the brace in the wrong area. Around the neck may have given his spine more support. Not a neck brace, that foot brace, because it could cover his traitorous mouth.

  6. His tenure in the senate has cost us HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars and THOUSANDS of lives lost for his foreign meddling and dope deals. His “reitirement” and medical treatment will cost us MILLIONS, and the guarantee that he’ll never shut the hell up. His funeral however may only cost us a few HUNDRED THOUSAND.
    I hate to say this, but I’m rooting for the more cost effective method.

  7. His right arm is no good, so he uses his left arm for the cane. But his left arm would do no good for propping his right foot. That brings up his actual ability to put on the boot – He can’t, nor can he take it off.

    At least it’s not your job. 🙂

  8. Half of Congress look like people you’d see at a señor center, putzing around aimlessly, multiple injuries, lost look in their eye, inability to speak coherently. Yet these are actually elected officials that legislate our lives. Scary.

  9. McCain is using the last bit of strength he has to fight Trump.

    Stay home his last year of life and enjoy what little time he has left?

    Nope. Putter around the halls of Congress and oppose Trump as much as he can.

    Some hero.

  10. this traitor deserves as much pain as he an get. I hope his pain is severe and continues long after his senate tenure is over. I can’t see AZ reelecting this asshole. May he live long and painfully in obscurity.

  11. Mr McCain: As a constituent, I appreciate your service to your country but it time to end it and let someone who can represent Southern AZ – represent Southern AZ.
    Go home before pieces start falling off of you. Let Duecy pick a replacement!

  12. Was the hospital also able to remove his head from the place lacking sunshine?

    Kind of a mysterious trick how John can put his foot in his mouth with his head in such an awkward place.

  13. Just quit trying to push this stupid RINO and DEMONCRAT affiliated politician on us. We will never have any respect for him since he is a worthless DEMONCRAT. Arizonans should’ve black balled him on the state ballot over 20years ago.

    All voters ought to institute a voting process whereby they automatically black ball every incumbent on the ballot when they have served 2 terms of office.

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