Democrat Party Approval at 25-Year Low Despite Media Establishment’s Attempt to Destroy Trump – IOTW Report

Democrat Party Approval at 25-Year Low Despite Media Establishment’s Attempt to Destroy Trump

Breitbart: The Democrat Party is at its lowest approval rating in 25 years despite the national media establishment’s daily attempt to destroy Donald J. Trump’s presidency, a poll finds.

Favorable views of the Democrat Party are shockingly low, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.

The party’s favorable ratings have tumbled from 44 percent to only 37 percent, down seven points since the last poll, conducted only about seven months ago in March. Fifty-four percent reported having an unfavorable view of the party. This is the party’s lowest point since the 1990s, according to the poll.

Alarmingly for the party, the numbers are falling even among the key groups of nonwhites (48 percent) and those under 35 years of age (33 percent).

In addition, 33 percent of respondents who called themselves liberals had a negative view of the Democrat Party. Also, 42 percent of those who said they were independents disapprove of the party. Only eight percent of independents said they had positive views of both the GOP and the Democrats.  read more

7 Comments on Democrat Party Approval at 25-Year Low Despite Media Establishment’s Attempt to Destroy Trump

  1. Hmm… I want to believe that. But, from what I see the swamp is alive and well.
    -Republicans are weak and inoperative.
    . NeverTrumpers are still in full swing,
    and we’re just happy reliving last year election night, which may never happen again if we don’t wake up.

  2. Not to worry, the democrat party has an affinity for illegal aliens, users, abusers, losers, marxists, socialists and fascists. They’ll never turn their backs on their voter base.
    As long as their base want more free government handouts the democrat party will deliver.

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