The Blue Vortex – IOTW Report

The Blue Vortex

Patriot Retort: I wasn’t going to write too much about the Virginia race. And I’m still not going to write too much about it.

But I did want to discuss it briefly because in a lot of ways what’s happening in Virginia is following the same pattern as what happened here in New York State.

More than a decade ago, New York got sucked into what I call the Blue Vortex.

Isolated, densely populated cities that are overwhelmingly Democrat are controlling the rest of New York. Despite the fact that the rest of New York is more moderate to conservative.

This was clear a year ago when Hillary Clinton won New York’s 29 electoral votes by winning only sixteen of New York’s sixty-two counties.

That’s the Blue Vortex.

Forty-six New York counties went to Donald J. Trump.

Look at the map:

But the Blue Vortex of these densely populated, blue-blue cities overpowered the rest of the state.

We’ve been dealing with this for years.

And to you in Virginia, all I can tell you is you have your own Blue Vortex.

As is clear from your own 2016 election results:  MORE

SNIP: When I lived in California, I was only voting for practice. My vote as an R never counted for anything, except that time when Schwarzenegger won governor. Meh.

28 Comments on The Blue Vortex

  1. Same in Michigan. A red state with and ugly blue blemish in the southeast corner. Had the Dims not run the most horrible candidate in the history of Presidential elections, it’s unlikely we’d have been in Trump’s column last November.

  2. Yep, I was born and lived most of my life in So. Cali, voting GOP there, is like sneezing into the Santa Ana winds. Useless.

    Most major cities are third world sewers, under Democrat rule. What Conservatives in their right minds, are going to want to live there?

  3. NYC overtook NJ about 25 years ago. It’s divided in three. The North outnumber central and south. Even our most conservative Repups are rino’s. Christy wasn’t liked at all in the end because he got exposed. That is the best part about Trump. He exposes them for what they are.

  4. If the people west of I81 would get out and vote, the d’s couldn’t win, at least not with the north/eastern populous and level of cheat that have now. And just so you know, not voting cause you don’t like the r that’s on the ballot is the same as voting d., vote r no matter who it is, for the greater good or lesser bad. Sometimes it pays better than others, I thought TRUMP was a vociferous buffoon, turns out it’s the best vote I ever made.

  5. I looked at the Illinois map that put Obama into office.

    Obama won three counties, out of 102.
    – Cook (Chicago), St. Clair (think E. St. Louis), and Alexander (Cairo)

    But those three counties put him over the top in Illinois.

  6. Big city’s as you others have mentioned, Detroit, Chicago, NYC etc are all in debt, have over the top crime and are sanctuary cities. They let everyone vote and and often, and they bring the states down. Anytime I see the red/blue voting maps you can tell where the big cities and college towns are. Time to let these big blue area’s go bankrupt and stop using the red counties to fun their under achieving schools and piss poor management of funds. I would think that when the free money runs out so will the rats.
    Kinda like gerrymandering.

  7. Kat made the point I was going to. There is no more glaring an example than California. A few cities have a strangle hold on the entire state. There is where the mother lode of electoral votes are captive.

  8. These states need an electoral college equivalent. This is why the Constitution of the USA established the EC. It prevents the candidates from ignoring the minorities and only going to the over-populated cities.

  9. Pennsylvania’s the same – w/o Pittsburgh and Philadelphia we’d be tried and true conservative and a red stick.

    Most precincts in Philly vote 110% for dems.

    It’s takes at least an 80% turnout from the rest of us to counter that.

  10. Washington State is the same way. Basically a red state with the cancerous tumor called King County and its major city Seattle serving as a communist magnet for every other shitbag on the West Coast and the rest of the country.

  11. The only workable fix is that, if you choose to receive welfare, you must also waive the right to vote.
    Only temporarily. Only for as long as you are on welfare, plus six months after.

    All voluntary. No one puts a gun to your head and forces you to go on welfare.

    Promote this with some government PSAs for a few months. Pay Samuel Jackson and Key & Poole and Beyonce to appear.

  12. Parts of S.CA look like a scene of L.A in ‘Elysium’. Soon the elites will move out of state and rule remotely, because it is such a horrid place to live. And the same will happen to the other Blue Vortex states. Thank the founding fathers for the genius of the electoral college, or the queen bitch would be ruling and selling off the rest of America, right now.

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