NYT Fires David Boies, Lawyer Who Worked for the Paper and Harvey Weinstein – IOTW Report

NYT Fires David Boies, Lawyer Who Worked for the Paper and Harvey Weinstein

Breitbart: The New York Times dismissed the firm of famed Democratic lawyer David Boies after Ronan Farrow’s explosive report for the New Yorker put Boies at the center of Harvey Weinstein’s efforts to stamp out the Times’ reporting on his sexual misconduct.

“We never contemplated that the law firm would contract with an intelligence firm to conduct a secret spying operation aimed at our reporting and our reporters,” the Times wrote in a Tuesday statement announcing they would no longer work with Boies’s firm, Boies, Schiller & Flexner. “Such an operation is reprehensible.”

The firing came even as Boies himself pleaded his case, claiming, “In the case of Harvey Weinstein, there is a lot of information that I didn’t have.”

Boies, Schiller & Flexner, represented the Times in a number of matters over the years and was, in fact, working for the newspaper in 2016 when, according to Farrow, as one of disgraced Hollywood exec Harvey Weinstein’s personal lawyers, Boies assisted in plans to prevent the Times reporting on allegations against Weinstein.  read more

9 Comments on NYT Fires David Boies, Lawyer Who Worked for the Paper and Harvey Weinstein

  1. Reprehensible. That must be the New York Times’ equivalent word for Deplorable. It seems that Harvey Weinstein has polluted more than one potted plant in the city that never sleeps.

  2. Any city that just re-elected that slimy mayor is a sea of corruption, that includes it’s institutions and people. An honest man in that city is a stranger in a strange land.

  3. “’We never contemplated that the law firm would contract with an intelligence firm to conduct a secret spying operation aimed at our reporting and our reporters,’ the Times wrote in a Tuesday statement …”

    But they were cool when St. Barak had the government spy on reporters.

  4. What we really have here is the fact that the New York Times (the paper with all the “investigative muscle” as they themselves refer to it) wuz just fine with all this until the World found out about it!
    Think about that for a minute, then ask whut else are these Sluts are sandbagging us about!

  5. Makes you wonder if much of our culture’s dysfunction was possibly hatched inside the board rooms of major law firms just looking for ways to spin up billable hours. The Trial Lawyers Association may as well be Satan’s inner circle IMO.

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