Tests Reveal ‘Child Refugee’ Who Raped and Murdered EU Official’s Daughter Is Between 22 and 30 Years Old – IOTW Report

Tests Reveal ‘Child Refugee’ Who Raped and Murdered EU Official’s Daughter Is Between 22 and 30 Years Old

Breitbart: Tests have revealed that the ‘child refugee’ who raped and murdered 19-year-old Maria Ladenburger is actually between 22 and 30 years old.

Dental analysis of a tooth which was taken from Hussein Khavari eight months before the attack during a routine procedure suggests he is “probably” 25 years old, with a 99.7 per cent probability that his true age falls somewhere between 22.05 and 29.55, reports German outlet Bild.


Anthropologist Professor Ursula Wittwer-Backofen, from the Institute of Biological Anthropology in Freiburg, explained: “On the tooth, the number of dark bands can be read to show the years of life.”

Experts have also examined the development of the migrant’s genitals, pubic hair, nipples, and beard growth.

While Khavari has admitted he was not 17 years old at the time of the attack, as he once claimed, he has remained cagey as to how old he really is — because while an adult could be handed a life sentence for his crime, a juvenile would be likely to receive just 10-15 years.

Miss Ladenburger was a medical student who volunteered to help migrants like her killer. Hussein Khavari arrived in Germany as a so-called unaccompanied child refugee having already been convicted of attempted murder in Greece, but released after a derisory prison term of around 18 months.

21 Comments on Tests Reveal ‘Child Refugee’ Who Raped and Murdered EU Official’s Daughter Is Between 22 and 30 Years Old

  1. It’s terrible. I find myself praying that if anyone is hurt/killed at the hands of these unvetted illegals it be the families of those who support their invasion. It’s the only way to fix stupid.

  2. My favorite progressive idiocy, in this article: “Her father, a senior European Union official who encouraged his daughter’s volunteering, used her obituary notice to urge well-wishers to donate money to organisations which organise activities for migrants and help them sponsor family members to join them.”

    Ok, then. Oh I forgot, I presume this perp is a member of the peaceful religion. Toss your children on the sacrificial fires of inverted and unfettered immigration.

  3. But this is a 1400 year old religious right and tradition in the islamic world.
    He did his victim a favor by killing her, otherwise she would have been stoned to death for promiscuity as there were not 4 male muslim witnesses to the rape.

    When will people wake up and see the reality, islam is a spreading evil and must be eradicated. At the very least do not allow the 7th century barbarians in your country. History does not change because you want it to. There’s a century’s old pattern of abhorrent, evil, demented behavior.

  4. Before ever considering what punishment to administer, they must carefully weigh the political implications. The flabby German dummkopf Merkel will be monitoring closely.

  5. @cato November 9, 2017 at 9:45 am

    > When will people wake up and see the reality, islam is a spreading evil and must be eradicated.

    Hopefully, never. When somebody, else, puts their shoes on, pays for a power washer, and scrubs the graffiti off someone else’s walls, everybody goes back to watching (some) foot (on some) ball games. When somebody, else, puts their shoes on, pays for a rope, and hangs the graffitists, everybody goes back to watching (some) foot (on some) ball games. But the walls remain unmolested longer after the latter, than the former.

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