The Things You Can Learn for 60k a Year – IOTW Report

The Things You Can Learn for 60k a Year

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Some parents take second jobs, third mortgages and sacrifice everything to send their kids to Ivy League schools like Harvard University, one of the top academic and priciest schools in the country, to prepare them for the real world as leaders in business, medicine and law. And those parents should be comforted to know in this competitive information age, Harvard is on the cutting edge, knowing they’re preparing their young people for the job market by helping them master the proper way to stick things up their butts.

Yes, Harvard University is in the midst of ‘Sex Week’, complete with workshops introducing students to anal beads and butt plugs, and instructing them on proper techniques.  Read more here

8 Comments on The Things You Can Learn for 60k a Year

  1. Even with their best professors they underperform. Does Alan Dershowitz even know the law ? Have you heard his crazy logic as to why charges and investigations shouldn’t happen? Sounds like political classism to me.

  2. Haavard: A facility for manufacturing dumbed-down, Media-influenced, spoon-fed, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, Kool-Aid drinking, Politically Correct, walking Butt-Plugs!
    Dean Wormer sez: Having yer head neck-deep in yer ass is no way to go thru life son!

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