Tucker Spars With Donna Brazile Over CNN And Wikileaks Revelations – IOTW Report

Tucker Spars With Donna Brazile Over CNN And Wikileaks Revelations

Daily Caller: Fox News host Tucker Carlson went head to head Wednesday with former DNC interim chair Donna Brazile over the Wikileaks revelation that she shared a debate question with Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary as a CNN commentator.

Carlson asked, “They’ve come after you and said, look, it’s a little much for you to criticize the DNC for colluding with the Hillary campaign when you conceded that you leaked questions to the Hillary campaign during a CNN town hall–before a CNN town hall. My question when I’m reading this is, did no one at CNN know that happened? Did they really learn for the first time when they read your book? How could they not have known that?”

Brazile answered, “Well Tucker, I surely hope everyone will now go out and buy the book. It‘s called ‘Hacks,’ the inside story…’”

The Daily Caller co-founder laughs, then asks, “Hold on, slow down, there was a question there, did nobody at CNN know that you did that? You apparently got them from…”

“Oh, no Tucker, you cannot put words in my mouth. I got on some lipstick from Fox, but that has not forced me to not stand my ground,” Brazile said

Carlson said, “No but it’s not your ground, I’m asking about CNN, where you then worked… they are mad at you, obviously. Did they know that you leaked these questions, really simple question?”

“You know Tucker I said last year…” Brazile responded.

“Sounds like you did,” Tucker said.

Brazile said, “No Tucker, don’t try to put words in my mouth. I said last year that CNN never provided us with any questions. CNN never gave us anything in advance. But what I did say, what I have said in the past, and what I say in this book is that I, as an officer of the DNC — and I know Wikileaks gave everybody you know, certain questions and certain emails, but as an officer of the DNC, I sought to expand the number of debates, and I wanted to make sure that we had diverse voices, and we covered issues that had not been discussed in previous debates, and what I did.”

She continued, “No, give me one more second, I know it’s your show, I’m not trying to take over. What–Tucker, I know you too well. What I sought to do Tucker was to ensure that we had these issues on the table, and I wanted to make sure our candidates, I didn’t want them blindsided. That’s what I admitted to. Look, what Wikileaks put out…”

“That’s the greatest spin I’ve ever heard! ‘I didn’t want them blindsided!’ That’s so good! You should do this for a living! That is hilarious,” Carlson said.   WATCH

11 Comments on Tucker Spars With Donna Brazile Over CNN And Wikileaks Revelations

  1. He gave her most of his hour for a free infomercial to sell her book.
    And he got exactly zero, nothing, nada newsworthy in return.

    90% of everything I heard her say was a complete baldfaced lie, based on everything factual we know about the DNC timeline.
    So yes the book’s going to be more of the same.

    Mark Steyn was on for 2 minutes and I wish it were Steyn’s show, with Carlson as the 2 minute guest.

    Brazile’s a POS. Tucker’s very comfortable in the Swamp, and he’s clearly still a Never-Trumper.

    Ingraham is a joy to watch. Giving her a show is the smartest move FOX has made in years.

  2. She had no intention of answering serious questions, she was there to flog her book. Tucker seemed to tread too carefully so as not to offend her. Maybe he was worried he’d be attacked for abusing or “disrespecting” a black woman, it was cowardly. I notice he almost always begins an interview with a disclaimer, , “I don’t agree either” crap even dealing with the most outlandish fools.

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