‘Obamaland’ – IOTW Report


Daily Caller: Former President Barack Obama is facing backlash from Chicago community organizers over his plan to build a sprawling 20-acre community center in the heart of the city featuring a sledding hill, recording studio and garden.

The Barack Obama Presidential Center, set to open in 2021, is being touted as a monument to the ideals of democracy, civic engagement, art and culture, but many Chicago residents are concerned about appropriating such a large swath of public land for the massive compound.

“It wouldn’t be Chicago if we didn’t have complaints about everything. . . . People are definitely excited about the library, without a doubt, but they are concerned about ‘how does it impact me?’” Ayoka Mota Samuels, director for a local youth center, toldThe Washington Post. “Chicagoans are like that about everything. . . . It means that we care about what’s going to happen in our neighborhood.”

Mota has heard grumblings from area residents who are worried the development will bring traffic and want to ensure the project will be staffed by people who live in the neighborhood.

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27 Comments on ‘Obamaland’

  1. Can we surround it with public housing filled with the Muslims and MS-13 he loves ?
    Can we remove the police from the area and approve a mosque that blasts prayers several times a day ?
    Can we remove locals from all their jobs and favor the minority that will work for the lowest pay and share their house with several other families and sleep in shifts ?
    Can the closest upper middle class community have these same illegals/migrants/victims/refuges/ect please let their neighbors pave their front and back lawns so that multiple cars and work trucks can park ? To them a house is an apartment complex you know.
    That is Obama’s America. It happened to me.

  2. Located next to the obarky memorial brotherhood gun range and grill. After a hot afternoon of mobile target practice stop by for some ribs, grits, gravy, and watermelon skittles pie, finished off with da blunt of the month club.

  3. Would be more appropriate to name welfare offices, jails, court house holding cells, methadone centers, abortion clinics, junk yards, unemployment offices, red squares, union halls, emergency rooms in black parts of town, probation offices, MSM complexes, Communist party headquarters, and university buildings after Obama.

  4. Ayoka Mota Samuels, director for a local youth center, told The Washington Post. “Chicagoans are like that about everything. . . . It means that we care about what’s going to happen in our neighborhood.”

    Now that right there is FUNNY!

  5. A special area set aside for >Moochie’s rainforest” with tropical trees, tire swings and lots of branches and vines to climb and swing from. It’ll be located directly across from the crack house.

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