Poland Tells Young People to ‘Breed Like Rabbits’ – IOTW Report

Poland Tells Young People to ‘Breed Like Rabbits’


Unlike Germany, which believes mass migration from third world countries is the only way to solve their demographic decline, Poland is encouraging couples to make their own citizens by ‘breeding like rabbits’, with the help of an educational video from the Polish health ministry.

Stopping short of a tutorial of baby making, the 30-second video put out by the National Health Programme opens with a field of rabbits and closes with a shot of a lovestruck couple enjoying a picnic, with a bunny seen popping out of a picnic basket.

“We rabbits know how to take care of our many offspring,” says the narrator, from the point of view of a rabbit, who then advises viewers to exercise, eat healthily, do not get stressed out, and “if you want to become a parent one day, take the example of rabbits”.

Poland’s “do it yourself” approach runs contrary to progressive concepts disseminated by left-wing media, with Time magazine promoting the “child free” life, and National Geographic suggesting the “New Europeans”, who entered the continent during the 2015 migrant crisis, are the future of Europe.  read more here

15 Comments on Poland Tells Young People to ‘Breed Like Rabbits’

  1. JS,
    But in most of the “civilized” world, young people are discouraged and told it’s a no-no by society and government. Now the young’uns are being told by the Polish government, “have at it! Make babies! More! More!”

  2. You can breed all you want. If you turn them over to the schools who then indoctrinate them with Communism – you’re just creating more people who will want to send you to the death panel at the first sign of old age For The Greater Good.

  3. The ad was a goof. Just like the KFC painting. Let’s not read too much into it.

    But… for those addressing the “it”: Change happens when it is clearly much better to do “that” rather than “this”. Last century, communalists proved (shockingly!) that if The Party provided a stall for “broodmares”, and paid them more (cash money) for every New Party Member they created, with less work required than accepting the same lifestyle provided by a man, people (men and women) would happily participate. If The Party (in Europe, America is lost) wants to change that behavior, they would have to create a new program (permanent, not “pilot”… children take a long time to “ripen”, and parents know The Party will chain them to those children until they are “ripe”) that proves it better to drop many more children in The Party’s (new, improved) field, under the new rules. How many see The Party, inventing an even easier way to drop children, than the way they have now?

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